Anita Corbo
1 min readAug 15, 2021


Dear Iva,

Thank you for such a passionate & uplifting article! My, my, my… you are definitely someone who puts alot of feelings into your words. To be honest with you, I’m checking up on you because I saw what a couple people wrote to you & the hateful words they used. There were at least 3 people from July 28th through July 30th that I read in your response section from your story “If Your Life Is Shit, It’s Your Own Damn Fault”. No-one should ever tell you to go die. It’s a very cruel thing to say. I was just concerned about your well-being after hearing those words. You are probably putting on a brave face, but I know how it must feel to hear those thoughts that others are lashing out & saying to you. You sound like a woman who has dealt with alot of suffering & want to help others in spite of it. So please delete those comments if you need to. No one will think any less of you if you do. You don’t deserve to be treated like that.

Sending love & a big hug,




Anita Corbo

Creative, suicide-attempt, assault & gangstalking survivor. I write to help victims feel less alone. 💔 or 💜