How to Start Your Own Social Media Marketing Agency (SMMA): A Comprehensive Guide

Ankit Giri
8 min readNov 23, 2023



Embarking on the journey of starting your own Social Media Marketing Agency (SMMA) is an exciting venture in today’s digital age. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the essential steps, strategies, and considerations to establish and grow a successful SMMA.

I have already discussed about what is SMMA in details and if you have the need and if you want to have a further understanding of this you can visit this blog post Click here

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Identifying Your Niche and Target Audience

If you want to start an SMMA, you need to focus on a particular niche to establish a presence in a specific field. It’s best to choose a niche, a segment of the market. Popular niches include restaurants, real estate, e-commerce, and more — check them out in ChatGPT and pick one. Remember, choose a niche you are passionate about because there’s no meaning if you don’t enjoy the process.

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Use Contractor Arbitrage

Firstly, what is contractor arbitrage? It is the process of acquiring services from a remote freelancer or agency and reselling them at a higher price. Once you’ve chosen a niche, your next step is to assemble a team to fulfil your tasks. In the beginning, you may not want to invest money immediately; instead, you might prefer developing the necessary skills. Here’s where Contractor Arbitrage comes into play. Your role will be to secure clients and finalise deals with an advance payment in hand. You’ll then showcase the services you’ll provide and hire freelancers from platforms like Fiverr or Upwork to complete your tasks.

As an SMMA, it’s crucial to understand that not everything can be accomplished solely by hiring people; you’ll also need software tools to run a successful agency. Specifically, you’ll require workflow automation, a website development tool (more affordable than hiring a developer), email marketing , tracking, and analytics to assess the results delivered to your clients, as well as survey and form tools, and chatbot creation tools. Mastery of these tools is essential.

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Don’t worry; I’ve got you covered. Typically, acquiring different tools for each of these aspects can cost you a significant amount of money. That’s why I personally use GoHighLevel. What I appreciate about it is that it consolidates all these functionalities into one platform, and it comes at an affordable price.

With GoHighLevel, you gain access to a comprehensive suite of tools that cover workflow automation, website development, email marketing, video editing, social media management, two-way SMS marketing, calendars, call tracking, analytics, survey and form creation, and chatbot development. This all-in-one solution not only saves you money but also streamlines your operations, allowing you to efficiently manage your SMMA tasks in one centralised platform.

Click here to get accesses for 14 days free trial.

How to secure a client?

“When you hear about tools, you don’t need to spend any money in advance because you will get a 14-day free trial by using my special link for GoHighLevel. This 14-day free trial plays a vital role in your SMMA startup. But the catch is that you will need to find the client first, book a meeting with them. In that meeting, you will showcase this website as your own because this tool also gives you a special feature of white-labeling this software by making a mobile and desktop app. On top of that, it allows you to handle multiple clients with a single payment without leaking information to other clients. It will look as if it is their exclusive app. However, the most important part is securing a client. You might be thinking about how to do it, but don’t worry, I got you covered.

Step 1: Go to Google and look for a company in your niche, be it a restaurant or a real estate company or a SaaS company — it can be anything depending on your niche. For example, let’s say a restaurant. Go to Google and search for ‘restaurants near me.’ Look for ones that don’t have a website or some restaurants with low-popularity social media.

Step 2: When you find these restaurants (or companies in your case), you will just need to contact them through email (if provided) or phone call (if provided). They will definitely leave a way to contact them; find it and contact them.

Step 3: It’s not like they will reply to your first emails, but you need to be consistent with it. By that, I don’t mean to write 4 or 5 emails in one single day; that will make us seem desperate. Write about one or a maximum of two in one day. Try for five days; if not replied, then repeat the same process.

Step 4: Once they reply to you, don’t try to sell them your services. Provide some value, like informing them about what they need to do — such as building a website, having delivery services, social media handling, running ads, and many more. After that, try to set up a meeting (Zoom Call).

Step 5: After the meeting is fixed, let them speak about the issues they are facing currently and take notes (at least pretend to take one; this will make them think you are serious about this). Offer solutions to them in the form of your SMMA (show all of it in the form of a PowerPoint presentation if possible).

Step 6: Make a no-brainer offer for them (make sure not to charge too high). For example, you can have three offers — silver, gold, platinum. In the silver offer pack, you offer to make a website (if necessary) and handle social media (without paid ads) and the software. In the gold offer pack, you give everything in the silver pack along with paid ads. In the platinum offer pack, you give everything in the gold pack along with content creation(u will ask them to send the video and you will just edit them and post on social media), even the blog posts and everything else. Also, place the condition that making a social presence in just one month is not possible, so if they want to work with your SMMA, they will have to hire your SMMA for at least 3 months.”

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Expenditures Breakdown and Pricing Strategy:

Let’s break down the expenditures and pricing strategy for your Social Media Marketing Agency (SMMA):


  1. Video Editor:
    — Cost: $300 USD (approx.)

If you possess video editing skills, consider handling the task yourself. Alternatively, you can learn the ropes using free software like CapCut.


  • A user-friendly tool for beginners.
  • Learn the basics and start crafting compelling videos.

However, if you prefer a professional touch without the learning curve, hiring a freelancer is a fantastic option. Click here to connect with a skilled editor I personally hire. She excels at the job and can elevate your video content.

2. Software:
— Monthly Package: $297 USD per month
— Yearly Package: $970 USD per year (Access to yearly package recommended after using the monthly package)

Note: Opt for the monthly package initially, and consider transitioning to the yearly package at $2970 USD yearly after securing a client. This provides more extensive access compared to the limited features of the $970 USD package.

Read the features in this picture below.

3. Monthly Expenditure:
— Approximately $700 USD

4.Video Ads:
— Daily Cost: Varies, but estimated between $10 USD to $15 USD
— Monthly Cost: $300 USD to $450 USD

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Pricing Strategy (Example):

  1. Silver Package:
    — Monthly Charge: $1500 USD
    — Includes: Chatbot, website, funnels, social media manager, call tracker, tracking and analytics for the company.

2. Gold Package:
— Monthly Charge: $2000 USD
— Includes: Everything in the Silver package plus paid ads

3. Platinum Package:
— Monthly Charge: $2500 USD
— Includes: Everything in the Gold package plus content creation and SEO optimised blog posts.

Note:The pricing examples provided are for reference only. Adjust them based on your market research, competition, and the unique value your SMMA offers. Always tailor your services to meet the specific needs of your clients.

Essential Points Before and After Providing SMMA Services:

Before Providing SMMA Services:

1. Testimonials Matter:
— As a newcomer, testimonials are your gold mine. Request feedback from satisfied clients; it builds trust and credibility for your agency.

2. Establish Online Presence:
— Set up a company Facebook page, Instagram profile, and TikTok account. Populate them with a few quality posts. An active online presence enhances your agency’s visibility.

After Providing SMMA Services:

3. Client Testimonials:
— After delivering your services, promptly request testimonials. Positive feedback strengthens your reputation and attracts more clients.

4. Seek Referrals:
— Happy clients are your best promoters. Ask for referrals; they can lead to valuable connections and new business opportunities.

5. Update Your Portfolio:
— Showcase the successful campaigns and projects you’ve handled in your portfolio. It’s a visual representation of your capabilities.

6. Social Media Engagement:
— Continue active engagement on your social media platforms. Share client success stories, industry insights, and relevant content to maintain a strong online presence.

7. Monitor Analytics:
— Regularly track and analyze the performance metrics of your campaigns. This data provides valuable insights for future strategies and client pitches.

8. Upsell Additional Services:
— Identify opportunities to upsell additional services to existing clients. It’s a cost-effective way to increase revenue and provide more value.

9. Professional Development:
— Stay updated on industry trends and advancements. Attend webinars, read relevant literature, and invest in continuous learning to stay ahead in the dynamic SMMA landscape.

10. Client Check-Ins:
— Periodically check in with your clients. It strengthens relationships, ensures satisfaction, and opens the door for potential upselling or referrals.

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Ankit Giri

Here you will learn ways to make money online. that too the proven ones only. I will also share with you how I made 6 figures a month when I started.