How to Join the Bounty Campaign

By Craig Absiyeh-Eichmeier, Community Director

3 min readOct 27, 2017

Heard about the Ankorus “ICO”? Thought about joining our bounty campaign? Then you’ve come to the right place.

This guide will show you step-by-step how to join the Twitter campaign. However, the same process can also be used for joining any of our other campaigns.

Create Account

To join the Ankorus bounty campaign, you are firstly going to need to create your Bitcoin Talk account. To do this, go to:,click “REGISTER” and fill out your details.

Sign Up

Once you’ve created an account you can join any of the bounty campaigns.

Go to

Click the “sign up form” at the bottom of the Twitter campaign info, if you want to participate in the Twitter campaign.

Or, alternatively, click here:

Fill the form in.

The first question —to find out your Bitcoin Talk profile URL, do the following:

Click ‘My messages’

Click ‘New Message’

Click ‘Find Members’

Type in your name. Click ‘search’ then click the person icon.

Copy and paste the URL that appears in the form.

Answer the other three questions then click submit. It should look something similar to the below. (Please enter YOUR Bitcoin Talk profile, Twitter account, Twitter followers and Ethereum address.)

Complete Requirements

In order to get credited stakes you must read and adhere to the requirements, otherwise you will not qualify.

For Twitter these requirements are:

  • Follow our official Twitter account: @AnkorusGlobal (
  • Each of Ankorus’ ICO tweets can only be retweeted and commented once for Stakes. This means up to two actions per tweet are rewarded with Stakes.
  • Retweet or Reply positive comment with hashtags to our ICO tweets
  • Each tweet has to contain at least 1 out of the 3 official hashtags: #Ankorus #AnchorTokens #AssetBackedTokens
  • The retweet/comment has to remain posted for at least 1 month after the end of the campaign.
  • Minimal 5 tweets/retweets per week!

Congratulations. You are now part of the Ankorus Twitter Bounty Campaign.

And that’s just the beginning. There are several more bounty pools available for you to join in.

Telegram and Facebook are popular and require minimal work, and now we have extended the YouTube campaign. Please check them out and sign up.

We cannot thank the community enough for the support we are getting 😊




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