This Election Is JUST Like Game Of Thrones

Dan Abromowitz
3 min readJun 14, 2016

Call me a nerd, but I can’t help thinking about the 2016 election in terms of Game of Thrones. I know it sounds crazy, but stay with me: it makes total sense.

“The sept… it’s gonna be yuge!!”

The High Sparrow is just like Bernie Sanders: he’s this badass, crazy older dude that everyone underestimated who’s heading up a grassroots movement against the big money establishment. They even look alike! And if he’s Bernie Sanders, then the fanatical Sparrows he leads are his overzealous “Bernie Bro” supporters: their ideals of equality and helping the poor are admirable, but their intimidation tactics? Not so much!

Of course, if they want power, they’ll have to go through the Lannisters, who are totally the Bernie Bros of the show. Power is slipping out of their hands, but instead of taking it gracefully, they dig in their heels and lash out at everyone they think is their enemy. Talk about entitled!

But here’s where the metaphor starts to get really cool.


While all that infighting is going on in the left/Kings Landing, the real threat is coming down from the north. That’s right, it’s the undead White Walkers, AKA the Bernie Bros of Game of Thrones. They’re these boogeymen that everyone kinda knows is out there, but nobody wants to acknowledge is a real thing… but when they show up to wreck the convention, good luck ignoring them!

The only thing standing between them and Westeros is the Night’s Watch, a motley group of disconnected white guys who finally found a cause to fight for. Of course, break ranks for any reason at all, and they’ll brand you a traitor, or worse… just ask Jon Snow (RIP)! Sounding familiar? It should: they’re basically Bernie Bros!

“they trolled me too hard…”

It’s crazy how obvious this all is once you start to put it together. It’s like it was written that way, but George R. R. Martin can’t see the future, though… can he?!

Some of these next ones might be a bit of a stretch, but I think I’m on to something. The dragons are powerful, unruly, and growing faster than anyone expected, which, to me, suggests that they could maybe stand for Bernie Bros here. The Faceless Men can be anybody, which would include Bernie Bros, and that makes me think that they’re the Bernie Bros. And Hodor just gives off a very Bernie Bro vibe. I can’t be the only one who’s noticed that!

The faces could be like superdelegates maybe?

I barely remember what’s happening in Dorne, but I do remember turning to my girlfriend during those scenes and going, “They’re just like Bernie Bros, right?”

Trump is whoever on the show’s been castrated, and Hillary is whoever is good. I think this is all pretty airtight, but I’m sure I’ll be fighting these out in my mentions all night!

Brace yourselves… November is coming!!



Dan Abromowitz

Nice boy of @ClickHole / resident bad boy at @ClickHole