5 Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Marketing Writer to Succeed

Your business is in critical need of follow-through in five major areas to generate sales. A marketing writer is the person who can help you achieve all of them.

Annaliese Henwood
9 min readMay 2, 2019

1) A Marketing Writer Will Improve Your Search Ranking.

Search engine ranking is essential to your business exposure efforts. It holds many valuable benefits to business success.

When you’re trying to get the word out about your products or services, you need to be listed early in search results.

People are using search engines every day to find whatever they need. That can include your business offerings. That’s why you need to find a way to rank high up when people are looking for what you offer.

But first, you might be wondering what all this talk about search ranking is about. It’s an element of search engine optimization, or SEO.

What is SEO?

This is a brief definition of search engine optimization, or SEO, provided by HubSpot:

[SEO] refers to techniques that help your website rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). This makes your website more visible to people who are looking for solutions that your brand, product, or service can provide via search engines like Google, Yahoo!, and Bing.

You want your business to gain exposure, and search engines are a huge way to get it.

Why hire a marketing writer for this?

Marketing writers can provide a valuable service in this search engine quest.

It’s not just about your blog or website copy though.

You want a writer who can optimize every piece of written content to rank high in search results.

When you’re looking for a writer, you want to find one who knows SEO well enough to create content that ranks.

This means your writer should understand meta descriptions, keywords, and other SEO elements. A writer who creates content for the sake of production numbers won’t help your business in the way knowledgeable writers would.

Your ideal marketing writer will create materials that emphasize search engine ranking factors. However, you don’t want your content entirely focused on appealing to algorithms. This will cause trouble for your business.

Keyword stuffing and robotic text will not only hurt your ranking. It will hurt your reputation with website visitors.

Even though SEO is important, you need a writer who knows how to balance it with readability.

2) A Marketing Writer Will Drive Website Traffic.

People visit websites by many avenues beyond just search engines.

You can often see visitors coming from social media or email campaigns. Or, they come from an advertisement you set up somewhere. They might even find your website during or after an event.

This is why it’s so critical to create copy that’s appealing and relevant in all those places.

What you should know is that your content will differ for each platform. Why? Each place has its own audience with their own expectations and interests.

How can a marketing writer assist with this?

The various platforms with their different audiences require a wide range of content formats and copy.

You need to find a writer who can understand who each audience is and write specifically to them in each place.

A savvy writer will know how to appeal to a varying audience because they know how to create personas. They can see where each audience is in the sales funnel and write content that drives them closer to a sale.

Let’s be a bit more specific.

How does a writer create materials that’ll work for the many platforms?

It might seem daunting to think about the many avenues in which people find and interact with your business. It can seem impossible to track and succeed.

The right marketing writer will know how to do the seemingly impossible. They’ll know how to create content that works for each unique platform.

For example:

When you hire a writer to create messages for email campaigns and social media activity, you want someone who won’t just copy and paste to each platform.

Your best bet is to find someone who knows the difference between an email list and social media audience.

The right writer will speak to email subscribers as existing parties who already want to hear from you.

Effective writers will change focus when speaking on social media because that audience hasn’t yet shown interest in buying from you.

Find a marketing writer who will change messaging to fit with each platform and its specific audience.

3) A Marketing Writer Will Expedite Lead Generation.

Business profits can come from several avenues. You have your sales team for starters, but you also have opportunities coming from your marketing efforts.

Marketers, including any writers, are creating materials every day that’ll drive interested parties to your business. This can be through social media, a blog, events, and other ways.

A major part of content creation, if not the most important part, is to offer something that’ll produce business profits in the long run.

Content marketing isn’t an instant sales producer, but it’s effective when you give it time to build its foundation.

Why should you hire a marketing writer to assist with content production?

See your content marketing grow from elementary to a lead generating machine

An expert or experienced writer knows what they need to produce to boost sales leads. They know how to build a content funnel that takes people from a curious stage to customer level. You’ll see writing that drives customers even beyond the sale until they become loyal advocates.

Some of the best tactics a marketing writer can use to assist with lead generation are:

  • Creating content pieces that can only be accessed through a web form (gated content)
  • Offering content upgrades within posts to compel readers to sign up for further communication
  • Writing compelling web copy for landing pages, sales pages, and others to convince visitors that they’re at the right place for purchase

Important note about hiring a writer

When you’re trying to give visitors a reason to convert on an offer, that offer needs to be worth it.

It’s not enough to have a block of text and maybe a stock image or two. You need to have someone with a designer’s touch to make a writer’s piece truly pop.

It’s not often that you’ll find a marketing writer who can also offer graphic design skills. You will need to find two people who can work together as a team on each project.

This means your writer must be able to communicate and collaborate with someone else without issue.

Find a writer who can not only write a piece but also work effectively with others to make the final piece successful.

4) A Marketing Writer Will Build Your Industry Thought Leadership.

To gain brand awareness means to gain business growth. It’s how you’ll acquire some of your most-likely-to-buy sales leads.

Creating content that appeals and informs to a specific and targeted audience is one of the best ways to get your brand name out there.

That’s where thought leadership comes in.

Thought leadership is useful for gaining brand exposure, but what does it involve?

Writing blog posts and other materials that help your readers solve a problem is the essence of thought leadership. You’re showing your industry expertise by giving readers the information they need to resolve a pain point they have.

To be a thought leader, you need to create consistent and valuable content that demonstrates your expertise.

This content should be informative in nature so that it helps your readers. It’s not meant to be food for search engine rankings but rather focused on the human readers and their needs.

How does a business build thought leadership?

The first step is to designate someone to create the thought leadership content pieces. A marketing writer is a practical option, but you can also have your CEO and other executives pitch in.

Businesses with leadership who’ll contribute their own expertise are much more likely to grow their thought leadership presence.

Executives can publish blog posts on your business site and syndicate elsewhere, such as on LinkedIn. This exposure is key to getting people interested in your business because it tells them you know your industry — you know what you’re talking about.

Why hire a marketing writer for thought leadership development?

To make your business a thought leader, you need to have someone who will produce the content people want to see. You need a writer who can create influential and informative pieces. Not just blog posts but also ebooks or white papers, too.

A marketing writer should be an expert in writing thought leadership content, so you’ll want to hire someone who will bring the necessary brand awareness through that content.

5) A Marketing Writer Will Feed Customer Expectations.

Similar to the thought leadership section above, you’ll see that prospective and existing customers expect to find helpful content on your site and elsewhere. They want to see a blog and resources to help them solve a problem.

The expectation people have for content produced by your business is something you cannot afford to ignore. People want to see a business blog that’s informative and applicable to their own lives.

It’s not enough to spend all your time and effort on sales pages and other website copy.

Those are key components of your site, but they’re self-serving.

People expect more than that — they want you to create content that helps them without financial investment.

What makes a marketing writer the best choice for creating this content?

A marketing writer can help you with all your website content, whether it be sales pages, blog posts, or otherwise. Writers can help you feed those customer expectations for thought leadership and content focused on their needs.

Hiring a marketing writer saves you from a long-term commitment you’d otherwise find by hiring someone full-time. Find a writer you can depend on without committing to that type of employment.

The best marketing writers are those who can produce materials regularly without the risk of poor quality or inaccuracy. They may be temporary or contract hires, but they still should maintain the discipline necessary to give you the best content for your target audience.

When you’re struggling to understand why marketing writers are so essential to your business, review these five reasons again. A marketing writer saves you money without consequence in quality or dependability. That is if you hire the right writer.

Why hire me as your marketing writer?

I can keep your business in the leadership spot for content offerings with my writing services. I produce a wide range of content types, so you can trust that your investment will be comprehensive and rewarding.

I understand how to develop a reader persona to ensure your content speaks to those who are most likely to make a purchase.

Hire me to see your content boost sales and encourage brand loyalty for repeat purchases. I can build your brand influence from nonexistent toward the forefront of your industry. It takes time to do this, but I know how to expedite the process.

If you’re just starting to build a content marketing presence, know that I have experience and expertise in multiple content areas, going beyond just writing.

Writing itself is only one piece of the complex puzzle that is content marketing.

You need a writer who can do the keyword research, understands SEO basics, can analyze the competition, and much more. Bonus points go to any writer who can promote content effectively, too.

Don’t delay the inevitable.

Content marketing is an inevitable part of your business growth, so it’s time to hire a marketing writer who will give your business a sales boost. Contact me today to get started toward this goal.

This article first appeared in its original form on annaliesehenwood.com.

