Let me introduce myself …

Anna Russel
2 min readJan 10, 2022


Photo By Behzad Ghaffarian

Hey lovely person reading,

How are you today? Hope it’s going better than mine.

Mine has been a bitter but strangely sweet emotional day. Oh but first let me introduce myself I’m Anna Russel and i’m a domestic abuse survivor and have been for the past 5 years now and as much as it has been freeing physically….boy has it been catastrophic mentally and emotionally, But anyways welcome to my medium profile or what i like to call my ‘Online journal’ I’ll be talking about any and everything, from my strolls to the shops to my traumatic relationships.

I am not perfect nor am I a therapist; however I am a survivor trying to comfort, guide and relate to other survivors. Letting them know they are not alone nor are their feelings invalid. My aim is to

  1. Continue to find healing
  2. Begin to step out of my box of being embarrassed & ashamed that i was in a abusive relationship to begin with
  3. Help others in anyway possible
  4. Raise awareness
  5. Identify the signs and traits

Well those are my aims so far i hope to grow as i write so do bare with me I’m new to this lol. So anyway that’s it for now i’m off to drink my cuppa and watch a movie.

“Trauma may happen to you, but it can never define you.” ― Melinda Longtin





Anna Russel

Welcome to what i like to call my online journal. I’m a domestic abuse survivor and now i’m helping others. Follow my journey, Hope you enjoy.