Anna Kochetkova
Anna Kochetkova

Anna Kochetkova is a Russian-born Australian author and poetess, social media strategist for not-for-profits all around the country, and a passionate bi+ activist currently based on the Yaegl Country in Northern NSW, Australia.

Anna is the creator of the @biandprejudice Instagram space, which helps celebrate multisexual attraction and human diversity and the author of Bi & Prejudice book - one person's story attempting to connect the dots of identity and sexuality across years, continents, and cultures.

Anna is founder of Sydney Bi+ Social Club, Sydney community-led events & gathering for all multisexual & queer humans.


Anna Kochetkova

Anna Kochetkova

Writer & Poetess, Bi & Prejudice Author, Creator & Curator of @biandprejudice, Founder of @sydbiclub, Forest Dweller on Yaegl Country & MORE.