How To CrushYour Fear Of Public Speaking Part 1

Anne Bellamy
10 min readJul 27, 2023
Photo by Ben Moreland on Unsplash

Imagine, if you will, it’s Hallowe’en, and an 8 year old blonde curly haired girl is dressed as a black cat. This 8 year old girl was me, and I was out trick-or-treating with three of my friends. We were making our way through a school field, which was just behind my house, when someone came out of nowhere and grabbed my bag full of candy.

I didn’t immediately let go, and I can remember being turned round and round in a circle, laughing, while trying to hold on to my bag. In those first dizzying moments, I actually thought it was a joke; that my friend’s brother was playing a trick on us. It wasn’t until I finally let go of the bag, when my dance partner ran off and was enveloped by the darkness, that I realized I had just been mugged.

My friends immediately came to comfort me, and assured me that they got a good look at my assailant and knew who it was. I, of course, burst into tears and ran straight home. I can still see the look of terror on my mother’s face as her youngest child came racing through the front door, bawling her eyes out.

She quickly scanned me, looking for blood, and wrapped her arms around me, making sure I wasn’t injured. My friends told her what had happened and the next thing I remember was a whirlwind of activity.



Anne Bellamy

Spirituality, Law of Attraction, Well-Being & Personal Development writer. If you'd like to buy me a coffee I'd greatly appreciate it!