Anne Rooney
1 min readOct 27, 2016


I can’t believe the USA considers itself a civilised country and yet people can’t get free healthcare! This is an absolutely basic right in Europe. My daughter has some of the same health issues as you, but we have never paid anything — not anything at all — for her state-funded care. We paid for a private counsellor at one point because she did not get on well with the state-funded counsellor, but that’s all. It is not only cruel, but a false economy to run people into the ground financially when they are ill. If the state pays for them to get better, they can be economically valuable citizens again. That’s hardly rocket science, is it? In the UK, you have to pay a contribution of about £8 ($10 or so) towards each prescription medicine, unless you are a child, a student, a senior citizen, pregnant (or within a year after giving birth) or on a low income. You pay nothing for hospital care, visits to GPs, antenatal care, and so on. The system in your country is a disgrace.

