Aquarius: Full Moon in Leo

annie fahy
2 min readJan 23, 2020


Uh-Oh Leo Life and Death ©2020 Annie Fahy

Leo wrinkles
little brow
sorta worried
even now.

Full Wolf Moon
lunar eclipse,
water breaks
baby comes quick.

Rocket labor
shoulder stuck.
Father pulls
with some luck.

Uh-Oh Leo
life and death,
father gives him
his own breath.

Mother helps
clean him out.
Love in action
there’s no doubt.

No pink baby
no big cry.
Breathe little boy
do not die.

Finally Sirens
start to wail
fast as lightning
without fail.

NICU noises
NICU lights-
Tubes and wires
hold him tight.

Eyes hold questions© 2020 annie fahy

Doctors offer
their advice,
act all business
not too nice.

Best thing is
make him cold
72 hours
3 days old.

Grammy comes
on the plane.
Laura cooks.
Looks like rain.

Mother prays.
Father waits.
Cold is painful,
nurse sedates.

Doctors come
doctors go.
Warm him up
red lamp glow.

Mother’s milk
from the tube.
Not the good way
from the boob.

Hold his hand
right arm weak.
Grab a kiss
on the sneak.

Acting hungry
eyes are wide.
Not one seizure
brain not fried.

Wash your hands
wear the mask
eyes hold questions
too young to ask.

The best is when
things are calm
no words needed.
Quiet Psalm.

Moonwildnight ©2020 Annie Fahy

Baba Buddha
Jesus too.
You are Leo
and Leo is You.

All is calm
all is bright
scans are normal
home in sight.

All around
the gentle earth
prayers give way
to grateful mirth.

Leo’s home.
Life is sweet.
Brother meets sister,
Family complete.
©2020 Annie Fahy



annie fahy

In the Big Picture, I am a small cameo of trouble and wonder.