Genesis Anonymice Collectors Guide

Anonymice Official
4 min readJan 6, 2023


This guide is intended to give a collector all the information needed to learn more about the Anonymice NFT collection to begin their collecting journey.

Anonymice are unique on-chain generative NFTs stored on Ethereum.

— They were randomly generated using Ethereum and solidity code only and the code used to generate them can be viewed by anyone at any time.

— The images are stored using Ethereum and code only with no APIs to maintain.

— The contract is owned by the 0xdead address so cannot be changed by anybody.

— The mice can be freely traded on all marketplaces with zero royalties.

The mice will survive in a decentralised way for as long as Ethereum exists.


Mint Date: 16th of September, 2021
Max possible supply: 10,000
Price: FREE
Final Supply: 3550

The first 2,000 mice were free to mint and the only way to mint the remaining 8,000 was by staking those mice to earn $Cheeth, the Anonymice utility token, and to mint with them using Cheeth. This was the very first example of a tokenized mint which inspired many other projects. Each staked mouse produced 1 $Cheeth per day.

Mouse ID number Price to mint

#0- #1999 FREE
#2000- #3999 1 $Cheeth
#4000- #5999 2 $Cheeth
#6000- #7999 3 $Cheeth
#8000- #9999 4 $Cheeth

During the mint holders also had the choice to burn their mouse to mint a randomly generated different one to potentially mint a rarer mouse. 6450 mice were burned during the mint in total, leaving 3550 remaining.

ALL TRAIT CATEGORIES (in order of rarity)

Character x10

Common, Stuart, Jerry, Reepicheep, Templeton, Simon, Mathias, Alvin, Irradiated, gL1tCh3D

Earrings x5

None, Stud, Flower, Bar, Jim Dangles

Eyes x10

Looking Up, Looking Left, Looking Right, Crosseyed, Bandit Mask, Crazy, Closed, Sunglasses, 3D Glasses, VR Goggles

Hat x10

No Hat, Karate Kid, Construction Hat, Elvis, Halo, Cheese, Motorcycle Helmet, Soldier, Bane, Astronaut

Mouth x7

Big Frown, Smile, Small Smile, Small Frown, Big Smile, Frown, Straight

Necklace x5

Plain, Black, Red, Fancy, Gold Chain

Nose x5

Big, Normal, No Nose, Dark, Tiny


Whiskers, Tiny, Big, No Whiskers, Handlebar


Number: 30
Notes: A common mouse with a rare glitch condition.


Number: 56


Number: 89
Notes: A common mouse with a green illuminating glow.


Jim Dangles
Number: 55

Jim Dangles

VR Goggles
Number: 65

VR Goggles

Number: 145



Bane & Crazy Eyes: 10 mice
0 trait mice: 19 mice
6 trait mice: 5 mice
Moto & Bandit: 20 mice
Halo & Sunglasses: 25 mice
Cheese Hat & Alvin: 20 mice


#9270 Glitched, Jim Dangles, Motorcycle Helmet
#7687 Irradiated, Astro
#2866 Glitched, 3D Glasses
#4152 Glitched, Bane, Crazy Eyes
#9425 Jim Dangles, VR Goggles
#1698 Irradiated, Bane Crazy Eyes
#578 Irradiated, VR Goggles

Anonymice are designed to be as decentralised and long lasting as possible. They will live on the Ethereum blockchain for as long as it exists with no person able to change them in any way. We hope you enjoy collecting them.



Anonymice Official

We create generative art that is generated and stored 100% on-chain. No APIs, no IPFS, just code.