Three Benefits of Using Bitcoin for Sports Betting

Anonymous Casino
3 min readFeb 2, 2018


The history of betting on sports goes back into hundreds of years. People have placed bets on combative sports such as boxing and wrestling and then on more modern games such tennis, basketball, baseball, rugby and soccer. In the earliest of days, these bets were placed using gold, silver and other such valuables. Later on the trends moved on to dollars, pounds and country-specific currencies.

Enthusiastic sports bettors are now moving on to crypto-currencies such as bitcoin and litecon to put their stakes on popular international games. Sports betting with bitcoin is more popular than other digital currencies because of three key benefits associated with it. Some of these include:

Rising value of bitcoin — A peer to peer digital currency that started with a value of less than $1000 in its early days recently crossed $13000. The rising price of bitcoin has made it a tool of financial investment in many countries even though it is not backed by any government guarantee. It is not legal tender money but has a universal appeal. To make the most of its rising value, people placing bets on sports are increasingly using bitcoin.

Anonymity of transactions — Another advantage of betting with bitocin is the anonymity it offers in the deals. The give and take of this crypto-currency happens through unique user IDs and passwords. The users need not disclose their real name, age, address or the country where they live when they buy, sell or win bitcoin. Amounts are transferred in digital wallets from one ID to another.

Security in dealings — Bitcoin bets are usually placed through secure — https — web portals that provide opportunities for sports gambling. By using these websites to action their bets, the participants can not only get a chance to bet on the latest tournaments but also ensure the security of their deals. If they win against the bookies, they get their rewards directly and safely into their digital wallets.

Some of the websites that offer opportunities of betting on games such as tennis, soccer, basketball, ice hockey and baseball also provide a range of card and slot games to visitors. While waiting for the results of a sport tournament that they had bet on, the users can also enjoy playing interesting games of Blackjack, Poker and Texas holdem to increase their chances of winning bitcoin.

Winning at sports bets is a matter of understanding the game concerned and the history of the team that one bets on. How was their performance at the last game? Are they consistent favorites? Have they ever been surprisingly defeated by a new or less popular team? How heavily are the bookies placing the bets?

To make sure that you get your bitcoin in time, also choose the base portal wisely. Check its online reviews and social media content. Talk to fellow bettors about their opinion on the website. Also visit the website yourself to see the content that it displays. And do make sure that it is an encrypted portal. Then make your move.

