Hira Ishfaq
2 min readJun 5, 2021

The Cruel World:

Life is not a bed of roses for those who have to struggle through it. A life of struggle is a life of thorns for those who once used to live in the world of ease & relaxation. Once they are exposed to the life of struggles, striving, challenges… It is no more that beautiful life with a beautiful face with redness on it. That redness is no more on the life’s face. Instead it is found on that person’s face who has left thar easy life, has entered the difficult one and have just being slapped by the hands of life…

Not those hands, who once used to relax him, to serve him but the harsher ones… the cruel ones…the harder ones… which don’t forgive any mistake of him and punish him for every single mistake which he commits;either it is misbehaving, over-acting, over-reacting or to misjudge something. The harshest slap that the person receives is when that person fails to take the right decision…. at the right time.

The cruelest is the time:when he is being trained for taking instant decisions. With no time to think about. If they are right, you can cherish your victory. There’ll be no redness on your face anymore, at least for a little while. But… if you failed to figure out a right path to go,or the right words to speak, you are dead…Not actually that dead.. But you’ll be treated with cruelty and harshness.

There should be no world of ease… if there is… one must not get exposed to it…And… If… Someone has got that exposure of ease… He must not be sent into the world of cruelty… As the world of cruelty will seem to be more cruel to him… No matter… It has a natural system to judge whether to punish someone or not… But its cruelty or punishment will seem to that particular person much more than the cruelty actually being implied to him.

But… Yes… This is also necessary… To make something strong… It needs to be weak.. If it hasn’t any weakness…how is it going to get the strength as there is no weakness to work on, to make it the strength.

So, exposure to ease will de-shape you, will make you undisciplined but you’ll get the shape, discipline as well as the strength once you are exposed to that so-called cruel world but actually the Shaping World.