Why I Became An Atheist

Anthony Lam
3 min readJul 24, 2021

Growing up in a secular home, I was never exposed to religion. When it came time for me to decide whether or not I wanted to believe in God, I had no preconceptions or prejudices.

An Atheist Mindset

The evidence that supports the existence of a supernatural deity is extremely flimsy at best, and quite simply put, the idea of God doesn’t make any sense whatsoever.

In fact, it was this lack of intellectual substance that eventually led me to discard my belief in a higher power altogether and declare myself an atheist.

I didn’t have any real reason to believe in God. The idea of a loving, all-powerful being that watches over us and cares about our well-being is nothing more than a fairy tale.

Contrary to popular belief, the overwhelming majority of atheists actually believe in something. We’re just not religious. Many atheists are spiritual, or at the very least, we do not reject the idea that there are things out there beyond our understanding.

I’m not saying that religion is wrong, but I am saying that it’s a myth. In many ways, religion is as ridiculous as astrology or other forms of pseudoscience.
I had no real reason to assume that a god would exist, and I had no reason to believe that my life had any purpose whatsoever. Most of the time, being an atheist means going with the evidence you have rather than clinging to…

