Obama 2.0 Today Means Trump 2.0 Tomorrow

But can Bernie can bite into that sweet, creamy center???

Anthony Echiavarri
Atomic Brunch


Come With Me if You Want to Live (in a Neo-Feudal Hellscape)

It’s no use curing a disease if you immediately revert to the behavior that gave rise to it. That’s what beating Donald Trump with an establishment, moderate Democrat would be: buying cigarettes on your way out of the cancer ward.

To understand why, we can examine contemporary establishment progressivism, what it does to people, how it sustains itself, why it leads to right wing backlash, and how it can be replaced with something better.

Moderate Progressivism and Its Failure

Clinton and Obama prepare for the hunt

First, let me say that the term “moderate progressive” sounds too stupid to even be a thing, so I am sorry for putting it in your space. But it’s the only way to describe a certain type of politician: one who talks a good game on progressive values, seems morally credible, resists the grossest injustices, but in the end is servile to extreme wealth and quietly pursues neoliberal economic policies which hurt working people.

The gold standard moderate progressive is Barack Obama. He did it as successfully as anyone…

