This Simple Strategy Can Grow Your Business

Become part of the high-demand invisible labor force

Anthony Manupelli
7 min readSep 22, 2019
Ghost Work: A massive opportunity for skilled content creators and marketers.

Projects are the oxygen to media organizations and ad agencies. Without a constant, steady supply, these entities wither and die. Within these organizations, there’s a continuous cycle of project development and execution. Teams work crazy hours developing, scoping and pitching projects all while executing existing projects. If a contract is awarded, there’s usually no time to celebrate. Timelines are typically tight and once that contract gets signed, the team must get to work. But what happens if an organization suddenly realizes it doesn’t have the capacity necessary to execute a new project? This typically happens if an organization is awarded a contract months after a bid proposal was submitted. Between the time the proposal was submitted and awarded, the organization may have been awarded new contracts, increased its workload because of scope creep on existing projects, or reduced the size of their workforce.

This temporary labor gap happens. A lot.

A massive opportunity for skilled content creators and marketers to capitalize on this demand.

Agencies and organizations that find themselves lacking the in-house capacity to take on work usually turn to vendors, and this arrangement is often referred to…



Anthony Manupelli

I am a writer, producer, and a content strategist, and I can help you develop and produce content that grows your audience and builds your brand.