Member-only story
Indian Reconciliation In Buffalo
Just say No to separatism with a genuine alternative to Wexit.
Use the reconciliation process to restore Buffalo and with it our national unity. Why are only French and English “official” languages when obviously Cree or whichever preferred dialect of any given province should qualify as well.
Imagine a world where we abolish the Indian Reserves, create 114 or so new parliamentary seats, 69 from Saskatchewan and 45 from Alberta, for which only members of that seat’s tribe/district can vote just like anywhere else in Canada. Reunifying Alberta and Saskatchewan into Buffalo as our Pioneer and Indian founders originally intended before the territory was torn apart in 1905. The West would finally have the votes to balance Ontario and the country! Canada would enter a golden age! A re-unified Alberta/Saskatchewan would reduce costs and increase the return from our common investment in healthcare and other essential social services.
“Twins separated at birth. Not a bad way to describe Alberta and Saskatchewan.”