Yeah, bathing in orange slices probably does help the skin too.

You can’t shrink your pores… But here’s what you CAN do!

Bella Bold
5 min readFeb 3, 2019

“You are stuck with the pores that your genetics gave you. So you have to learn to love them. We’re gonna tell you how!”

We’ve all seen the numerous oils, masks, primers and other colorful bottles lining the shelves that claim to shrink or minimize pores. The fact is that no matter how much you wish it was true, this theory sadly lives in the realm of unicorns and dreams of being a princess… Kinda. These products do shrink pores temporarily, but the only way someone can technically permanently shrink their pores is through expensive laser surgery or if you get a scar. But who has the time or money for either of those?! You are stuck with the pores that your genetics gave you. So you have to learn to love them and we’re going to tell you how to do so by keeping them squeaky clean with everyday household products! That way you can save a few bucks and maybe actually get that pore reducing surgery one of these days! … We’re kidding, you’re beautiful just the way you are ❤

Egg Whites

That egg is gonna make a fine mask one day…

“Egg whites will tighten your skin and buy you a few glorious hours of smaller, clean pores.”

For the first remedy you just have to stroll over to your fridge… or to your chicken coop if you’re living the farm life. Either way, just grab an egg and take out that yolk! Turns out making a mask out of egg whites will tighten your skin and buy you a few glorious hours of smaller, clean pores.

How to Apply: Simply separate yolk and whites, whip up whites, lather on skin, place tissue on egg soaked face, put more egg whites on tissue, let harden and peel off… Here’s a video!


Why drink it when you can put it on your face?

“Milk contains not only lactic acid, but also potassium and vitamins A & D. “

Next tip also requires you to pay your new found friend “The Fridge” a visit. Or if you really are living that farm life you could go and milk that cow of yours to get that magical white liquid called Milk. Put your eyebrow down and let me explain! Milk contains not only lactic acid, but also potassium and vitamins A & D. All of these things are great for skin and will draw out excess oils, making your skin feel great and as soft as butter! … Gonna let that pun sink in.

How to Apply: Simply dab a cotton ball in milk and start rubbing away at your skin!

Nanners… (Bananas)

Look at all that antiseptic!

“Bananas not only contain natural antiseptics, but they are also loaded with B vitamins and antioxidants.”

Time to close that fridge and find the next miracle on the counter. Banana peels have been making fools of humanity for decades slip after slip, but no more! It’s our turn to take control of them and rub them on our faces! Bananas not only contain natural antiseptics, but they are also loaded with B vitamins and antioxidants so they are great for cleansing pores and bringing down inflammation of the skin.

How to Apply: Either rub a banana peel on your face, or if your skin is sensitive you can also mash up the actual banana into a mask, apply to your face, let dry, then rinse off.

Apple Cider Vinegar Spray

Sweet AND tangy… I’m kidding, this stuff’s not sweet at all.

“It’s worth fighting through the pungent smell of this chemical because it’s a natural astringent.”

Time to dig into your pantry and hope that amongst the dozens of items you forgot about, Apple Cider Vinegar is one of them. It’s worth fighting through the pungent smell of this chemical because it’s a natural astringent and can be used to clean out an area of pores that are starting to produce too much oil and dirt. Just MAKE SURE you mix it in a spray bottle with distilled water before you start spraying your face like a misbehaving cat.

How to Apply: Simply find a spray bottle, mix distilled water with the Apple Cider Vinegar, spray, and rub in with a wash cloth.

Baking Soda

Look at all that exfoliation just sitting there…

“It’s super highly antiseptic AND it’s texture causes it to be naturally exfoliating so go on ahead and rub it in!”

As your digging through the lost land of the pantry, hopefully in between the apple cider vinegar and the expired cans of tuna, you find some baking soda. I first want to stress that you USE BAKING SODA WEEKLY, NOT DAILY. Don’t let the capital letters scare you from trying it, it is a great treatment for treating clogged pores, acne, blackheads and homemade volcanoes. It’s super highly antiseptic AND it’s texture causes it to be naturally exfoliating so go on ahead and rub it in!

How to Apply: Mix with water into paste, apply to ONLY affected areas, let dry, then rinse off. Once again, DO WEEKLY NOT DAILY.

Or Go Practical Over Natural

We know you don’t always have time to separate yolks from whites or milk cows so we also want to express that of course you can always clean pores with store bought masks, pore vacuums, charcoal rubs, etc. So if rummaging through the pantry isn’t for you then here are some links to trusted products that will help you love your one-of-a-kind pores!

PoreCleanser Pro Vacuum / Blackhead Remover :

Laser Spot Remover Pen / Dark Spot Remover:

Leven Rose Daily Essential Serum Set / Hydrate Pores:



Bella Bold

All Things Beauty❤️ All Things Bella💁🏼‍♀️ All Things Bold🤵🏻