Joshua Elliot Caplan
1 min readJul 6, 2016


The “fucking stupidity” I’m seeing in this discussion is the following:

  1. your assumption that my preference for Hillary over Trump vis-a-vis the Supreme Court means I think she will appoint justices that will magically undo the terrible things the Bush/Reagan appointees did. Of course I don’t think that. I also don’t think Bernie will do it, because until the Senate is 60% Democratic, progressive justices are not getting through. It will take amendments, which Bernie and Hillary support. My point is that I am 100% certain that any Democrat’s appointees will be objectively, unequivocally better than any Republican’s appointees. Not perfect. Just better.
  2. the idea that Bernie has not already lost the Democratic nomination, despite the fact that more Democrats voted for the other candidate.
  3. the Bern-it-downers who think one term of Trump would create the political revolution they crave, instead of just doing further permanent damage to the judiciary.

Trump should have earned Hillary your vote. Period.

