Life Coaching: The Biggest Scam of the 21st century

Antonio Kowatsch
2 min readJul 15, 2016


A lot of you folks have probably heard about these so called Life Coaches. They are literally everywhere these days and even proudly and prominently display their elusive “profession” (if you can even call it that to begin with) in their bios. These self-proclaimed Guru’s who seem to know everything about life. So much so indeed that they try to give other people advice on how to live their lives. I don’t know about you, but I’ve encountered many of these Life Coaches and all of them were full of crap to put it kindly. Everything that they tell you is literally completely devoid of any actual meaning and could be conceived by common sense. Their advice is literally like fool’s gold; nothing but falsely perceived value.

It goes without saying that these individuals are extremely pretentious. On the pretentious scale they managed to dethrone hipsters with relative ease (just to put it into perspective). But why am I all worked up about it you might be asking yourself by now. Well, the problem with Life Coaches is not really their hokum but rather their followers. So many weak-minded people flock to these false prophets in search for betterment. If they had any amount of common sense they’d see right through the hogwash but sadly common sense has become a very rare commodity these days. I weep for humanity.

p.s. I personally think that the “title” life coach is nothing but a troll badge. Whoever wears it is bound to be a doofus.

