Why Quora sucks [Review/Rant]

Antonio Kowatsch
8 min readAug 16, 2016

A lot of people love Quora and some are even obsessed with the website to the point where they literally waste every free second that they have on it. I can somewhat relate to that sentiment, I used to belong to that particular group of people. But after a while I realized why Quora is simply put not worth my time (and yours if you’re objective enough to reevaluate your stay on that website).


The majority of core users are pretentious and generally speaking those types of people who genuinely like to hear themselves talk (and think that they know everything that there is to know). Given that this website seems to attract this particular breed of people Quora is literally an echo chamber of opinions. Which leads right into the second point:

Unbalanced distribution of opinions

No matter what the topic is there are always those “certain types of answers” which the herd prefers. Having a preference is alright with me but the problem is that the herd-mentality on the website goes way beyond anything that could be described as normal. Whenever someone posts an answer that the herd doesn’t agree with it gets down-voted into oblivion (quite literally, since the website hides/collapses answers with down-votes). I had plenty of opportunities to study these irrational group dynamics first hand. Seeing how the majority downright abuses the down-vote functionality it’s safe to assume that Quora is the epitome of an echo chamber and a prime example of why tribalism is bad.

