Mini Blogs on building start-ups — Think carefully which battles to choose

Antti Saarnio
1 min readJul 7, 2017


Think carefully which battles to choose — some battles require an army, some are possible to win by small agile teams

Statistics say that 25% of startups make a successful exit. That’s the probability in Silicon Valley if you found a start-up. In the rest of the world the probability is much lower, perhaps closer to 10%. If you are aiming to become an unicorn, the probability of successful exit drops to below 1%.

One of the key decisions start-up founders have to make is the game they choose to participate in. It is essential to estimate what kind of resources are needed to achieve your target, and what is the size and power of the opponents. Disrupting value chains opens a possibility for startups to take market from the industry giants. However, often collaboration with the giants gives much high probability of success rather than going head to head competition with the industry.

Therefore, choose your battles well!



Antti Saarnio

I am constantly curious to participate on the world changing projects. Founder of Zippie, co-founder of Jolla