Don’t Be M.A.D. — A Rant

Antyal Tennyson
3 min readSep 24, 2016


This country has not been the same since the Twin Towers fell, and that’s not the terrorist’s fault, its ours. Afterward, we had a saying.

Don’t give in to fear or the terrorists win.

It has since been deflated into meme friendly one-liners, but it was true. Instead of courage and resolve, our leaders pushed a narrative of fear. We went after Osama Bin Laden and for years we couldn’t find him so rather than pulling troops, turning to our Intelligence Agencies, and playing the long game, our leaders decided to divert our attention to non-existent WMDs in Iraq while screaming “fear the terrorists” and “fear Islam”.

And when we toppled the leadership of Iraq, we were stuck. We had destabilized the region and we couldn’t leave. Our occupation of their homeland was now radicalizing new people in record numbers and feeding terror groups. So what did our fearless leaders who’d never dare send their own children into combat do? They decided in their infinite stupidity to do it again, and again, and again. After all, we mustn’t risk running out of terrorists can we? Who would we have to fight then?

Who cares if you, your sons, daughters, brothers, or sisters lives are put at risk overseas, our leaders are cashing in on business opportunities. Who cares how many families or cities are destroyed in the Middle East when there are lucrative defense contracts they can reap profits from with our tax dollars.

But best of all, why stop at endless wars in the Middle East? After all, our military is by far the largest in the world. Why don’t we target Russia and China next? I mean so what if they have actual nuclear weapons? It’s not like threatening them simultaneously could cause them to join forces and become a super-power with more combined wealth, resources, and manpower than us. Its not like being openly hostile towards them could lead to the launch of a nuclear missile over a diplomatic blunder or that the launch of a single nuke could lead to a launch of every nuke on the planet.

I mean if that sort of thing were possible, our leaders would know better right? They’d probably come up with a name they could make into an acronym, like say “Mutually Assured Destruction” or MAD for short.

Heck even if it did happen, its not like our fearless leaders would be at risk. They could just retreat to their fortified bunkers right? I mean sure, there might not be any buildings or people or infrastructure left, but our leaders are hardy survivalists immune to radiation and able to thrive even surrounded by scorched earth for hundreds of miles.

So fuck it. Who needs evidence or computer forensics to prove Russia was behind recent hacks exposing the Democrats. Lets just scream Russia did it at the top of our lungs, because everyone is so stupid they’ll just forget what the Democrats did. And then if we equate cyber attacks with military action, we can hit the ground running when we step into the Oval Office and invade Russia without delay.

I mean sure, we’ve been degrading cyber security for years to spy on our own citizens. But so what if supporting efforts towards strong encryption would exponentially enhance national security. Let’s just send in more troops and risk nuclear war with Russia and China.

— Antyal

You can find Antyal Tennyson on Twitter under the handle @AntyalT.

