Crypto on Youtube

4 min readJan 20, 2019


A surprising majority of people in today’s society do not want to take the time to read a long drawn out article no matter how well written or clever. Those people are living in the right era. Youtube has become the most popular way to post, find, and view video content. With the crypto market ever growing in assets, projects, and informational sources, it can be difficult to find a proper narrative for unbiased video content that highlights the most important news. The main problem when watching crypto youtubers is the never ending shilling (selling) of projects and coins they are personally invested in. There is absolutely nothing wrong with a youtuber promoting the projects and coins they believe in, but the intention of such promotions should be made public. By using a platform like youtube, content creators automatically have certain expectations to live up to throughout the community. Let’s take a look at three specific youtubers that currently stand out above the rest.


Ivan on Tech

Youtube Channel

Ivan is one of the most influential figures currently on youtube in the crypto market out of Stockholm, Sweden. His title and profession as a programmer naturally gains him credibility within the community to entice viewers. Ivan starts every day off with his live stream “Good Morning Crypto” and does a fantastic job at sticking to his streaming schedule while simultaneously providing engaging content. In his daily stream he takes recent impactful news and breaks it down into tiny pieces of information that people can easily digest without a coding or technical background. Viewers like to listen to Ivan because of his honest project reviews, natural charisma, and his relative experience in the industry. Additionally, he has a stream of videos titled “What is ______? programmer explains.” In each of these videos Ivan takes the time to fundamentally break down projects, people, or ideas. The only thing Ivan constantly shills is his Ivan on Tech Academy. The Academy has classes on cryptocurrency basics, crypto industry advancements, blockchain programming, smart contract programming, and many more subjects. His goal is to launch a new class every month of 2019 on his academy.

The Crypto Lark

Youtube Channel

Lark Davis is the most popular crypto personality from New Zealand. He grew up on a small organic homestead, reading Mad magazine, dreaming of space travel and pretending to be Indiana Jones. — Facebook Profile

The Crypto Lark is another community favorite who posts videos daily and sometimes 3–4 videos on days with extreme activity in the market. Lark has a spunky personality and really loves his catch phrases, “Long live the blockchain, and peace out till next time.” To summarize, he strongly dislikes centralization and pushes the agenda of a free market society. At certain times the Lark may seem almost conspiracy driven, but this is purely from his natural distaste for totalitarianism. The Lark will not usually shill any project which is nice. On the event that he does specifically discuss a single project with a founder or dev, there is usually some piece of information about it being a sponsored video. Overall, the Lark is a great place to get the markets current top news from an energetic, creative host. Videos are constantly being uploaded as news comes off the press.

Daily Crypto

Youtube Channel

Crypto Daily is one of the more recent popular channels. To be honest, it seemed as if this channel grew over night. The description on the site only says, “ High Quality Crypto ENTERTAINMENT!” which is actually completely accurate for once. Except the quality is more on the lines of a man doing crypto videos in his basement with a flashing and sometimes blank green screen. The occasional back drop of the Grand Canyon gives the channel a nice appeal. Ironically, with this simplistic approach and seamlessly lack of caring half of the time, Crypto Daily has amassed a fan base quickly. When Crypto Daily is not reviewing the news, there is a refreshing video about high quality memes circulating in the market. Memes progressively get better in a bear market, so we will take that into account for apart of his success. Rather you are bearish, bullish, loyal to BTC or loyal to ETH, you can watch and enjoy his content and subtle shills to Charles the supreme leader. I actually suggest finding a meme review to help investors cope with their current portfolio evaluations.


