4 Simple Steps To Create Your Own Country

6 min readJan 17, 2022


Image by U.S. Department of State from Flickr

Imagine a life full of luxuries. You can rest on a sofa while attendants oil your hair and another feeds you grapes. No taxes. No worries. Life would be amazing.

Welcome back to reality.

You have to go to work every day. You only get off during the weekend, which is spent taking your children out. There are hundreds of taxes to pay. Life is full of stress and tension.

We have all dreamed of creating our own country. Be it as a child, dreaming of a homework-free country or an adult, dreaming of a tax-free land where you can work leisurely and live your life worry-free.

In this article, I am going to tell you how you can make your own country, legally.

Obtaining Land

Image from Shutterstock

The first step to starting your own country will be obtaining land. After all, what’s a country without any countryside.

Unfortunately, all the prime real estate in the world has been gobbled up by other countries. But no worries, here are 4 ways to get land for your country.

  1. Several islands around the South Pacific are unclaimed by any sovereign state. If you can just find one of them that is big and not remote, you are set for life.
  2. You can lay claim to land between two major powers which neither of them asserts as theirs. It happened to the Free Republic of Liberland. All you need to do is research, so this is a pretty good option.
  3. If none of the available real estates appeals to you, you could always build your own. According to international law, nations can only lay claim to up to 12 miles beyond their shores. Anything beyond that is free waters where you can build your own island, though the cost might be too much.
  4. The last and final option, which is the most obvious, is to declare independence or take territory by force. Historically, neither of these approaches worked successfully without massive support, but hey, that is your problem to solve.

Once you get land for your country, 90% of the job is done.

System of Government

Image by Arian Zwegers from Wikimedia Commons

Are you going to uphold global democratic values or become an egomaniac dictator? A hereditary monarchy is an option too. How about a theocracy? Or even better, you can become the leader of a socialist country!

As the founder of the country, you have the power to decide how to govern yourself and your citizens. But whatever you choose, you will need a cohesive national government to be recognized by other countries and not seen as a bunch of idiotic squatters.

Your government should provide the basic needs of your people if you want. But the most essential thing for recognition from other countries is to have an apparatus to interact with other foreign powers. A foreign minister is a must for your country, though you can hold that position if you like.

Now that you have finished about 99% of the steps, there are a few odd things left to do.


Image by Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

Perhaps the easiest step would be getting citizens. Send an email to all your family members and friends you like. Though most of them will call you stupid and not apply for citizenship, do not be disheartened, it is their loss.

You can always send an online application to the rest of the world. The Free Republic of Liberland did it and got back a few million applicants, so there is never a shortage of people to naturalize.

Just be sure to mention some good deals like no taxes, free cake every month, etc, and you will definitely get some people willing to pay for the citizenship.

Formally Becoming a Country

Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay

Q - What makes a country a country?

A - A country is considered a country only when other countries recognize that country as a country.

It sounds like a tongue-twister, but it is true. No matter how many citizens or how efficient the government is, your country will not be considered as a country unless other countries recognize it as one.

One way is to become friends with powerful nations sharing similar ideologies.

If you are a democratic nation, the USA, Europe and India would be some good friends to get. A socialist country? China and Russia would love to partner with you. If you are a dictatorship, Kim Jong-Un would love to be your friend. Once powerful countries officially recognize you, the smaller and weaker ones will start recognizing you too!

The only alternative (I consider this as the better method) is to join the UN, which is not as difficult as one might think. All you need to do is simply write a letter to the Secretary-General of the UN, António Guterres, requesting a membership.

That is it. You do not need to do anything else. There are no forms to be filled, no need to outline your nation or tell how it is governed.

If you are currently in the midst of making your own country, to make things easier for you, here is the address to which you should send the letter requesting membership.

Mr. António Guterres

Secretary-General of the United Nations

405 East, 42nd Street

New York, NY, 10017

United States of America

An email to sgcentral@un.org would suffice too!

Once you have submitted the letter, the UN checks the basics of your country. It is then referred by the UN Security Council to the General Assembly, where two-thirds of the votes should be in favor. As long as they believe that you are a peace-loving country that will follow the rules under the UN Charter, you are safe and most likely will become a fellow country.

The Charter basically states that you will preserve the rule of law, support human rights in your nation and promote global peace. So if you are planning to start the Kingdom of Murderous Murderers, tough luck.

At the end of the day, it does not matter. Who is to say that your country is not a country. As long as you consider it a country and live peacefully and happily, who cares about what others think. What we think should matter more to us than what others think.

