photo of ozempic pens and below it mounjaro pens with a caption “Ozempic versus Mounjaro”

Ozempic vs Mounjaro

Linda Dumas, PharmD
2 min readApr 18, 2023

As a pharmacist, I get a lot of questions from patients about what is better? Do you think Ozempic works better than Mounjaro or vice versa? Its a hot topic, and I always advise patient speak with their doctor. I’ve seen patients do amazing on each, but what works for one person might not work as well for another person. There are other factors to consider such as; what does your insurance cover? How much are you willing to pay? What is your diagnosis…



Linda Dumas, PharmD

I'm Linda Dumas, a Pharmacist & Consultant with over 10 years of Practical Pharmacy Experience and leadership.