America’s Top Ten Engineering Schools

4 min readOct 6, 2014

Where do the top engineers come from? These places…

10. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Illinois is truly an excellent institution of higher learning as it is home to multiple world-class academic programs.

In addition to an excellent engineering program, Illinois is known for its beautiful library, school spirit, sports and student life. The students at Illinois work hard but the play hard too.

9. University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Michigan is one of the hardest schools to get into (like many of the schools on this list) and for good reason: the students are happy, the academic programs are all excellent, and in-state tuition is under $13,000.

8. The University of Texas at Austin

Austin is a fun city full of young people, music and unique culture. Aspiring engineers who love football, year-round summers and country music should have UT at the top of their list.

7. University of Southern California

The first of four California-based universities to make this list, USC boasts an excellent and well-rounded engineering program. In addition, USC is home to a top-of-the-line gym, green campus and massive sports scene.

6. Cornell University

Surprisingly enough, Cornell is the only Ivy League university to make this list.

5. California Institute of Technology

We know, we know… the Golden Gate Bridge, which currently adorns CIT’s profile, is nowhere near Pasadena. This gorgeous photo just happens to be our placeholder while we add more beautiful photographs to our in-depth and interactive college profiles.

The California Institute of Technology resides in beautiful Pasadena, just east of Los Angeles.

Along with a renowned engineering program, CIT is also home to hi-tech classrooms, an excellent natural sciences program and a pet-friendly campus.

4. University of California — Berkeley

A world-class engineering program isn’t the only thing to love about this beautiful Bay Area school. Berkeley is also home to excellent business, education, social sciences and natural sciences programs.

Excellent academics and an in-state tuition of only $11,767 makes Berkeley not only a haven for aspiring engineers but also one of our “best value” schools.

3. Stanford University

Stanford’s vast engineering offerings are renowned and all-encompassing. Some of the world’s brightest students come to Stanford to become leaders in aeronautics, mechanical engineering and chemical engineering. However, Stanford’s computer science program may be the most famous. This should not come as much of a surprise as Stanford provides intellectual fuel to Silicon Valley.

2. Carnegie Mellon University

A science Mecca, Carnegie Mellon offers one of the world’s best engineering programs.

1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

Were you expecting someone else to rank as our top engineering school? MIT is one of the most challenging schools to get into as hoardes of the world’s smartest aspiring engineers flood their admissions department with impressively robust applications annually. Want to know a little more about MIT? View the rest of their school profile and the profiles of all these schools in our College Match application in the App Store.

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