Double Your Mobile eCPM With Programmatic Ad Mediation (case study: Appodeal review)

3 min readDec 11, 2015


Increase your mobile ad revenue with Appodeal

Can programmatic ad mediation improve your revenue almost immediately? How about raise your eCPM from $2.07 to $4.02?

The answer is yes. Some of our clients see their eCPM and revenue increase two or threefold, among those clients is Stephan Schultz.

Let us introduce you to Stephan: He’s a 22-year-old student and award-winning app developer in Germany.

Schultz develops productivity apps, one of the most successful being the Remote Control Collection. This app allows users to remotely control their PCs or Mac wirelessly. In all, Schultz’s apps have been downloaded over 5 million times on iOS, Android and Blackberry. He’s also received the Top Developer award from Google in Potsdam and first place in Berlin’s Mobile Apps Hackathon by Amazon, amongst others.

However, Schultz clearly isn’t the type to rest on his laurels and quickly began looking for ways to monetize his advertising strategy. He started with Admob for mediation and took on the management of several ad network SDKs himself. Still, Schultz soon found that he was spending too much time on integration to justify the income.


  • A lack of insight into the fundamental concepts behind programmatic advertising
  • Too many SDK integrations to justify the return on investment
  • Uncertainty as to which tools he could trust to bring it altogether

Furthermore, as a developer, Schultz’s expertise lies in making great apps, not in the ins and outs of ad optimization. So, he found himself in the age-old battle of many a developer:

How to monetize ads in apps effectively without investing prime working hours into integration.


In search of a developer-friendly solution that wouldn’t eat up hours of his time, Schultz ran across the concept of programmatic ad mediation and began to do research. It was around this time that we connected with the developer by email.

Our programmatic ad mediation solution was designed for developers like Schultz, who want to regain control in the marketplace. Of course, results are best measured with data and Schultz saw a definite increase in eCPM after making the switch to Appodeal.


The average eCPM raised to $4.02, a significant increase compared with Admob’s $2.07.

AdMob stats from May 2015 — Before switching to Appodeal
Appodeal Dashboard — eCPM weekly data with average $4.09 for last 25 weeks
Appodeal revenue performance per ad network

But how is it possible to see such a big change in a short amount of time?

After making the switch, Schultz quickly improved his monetization strategy by:

  • using targeted ads for an optimized user experience and better earnings
  • reducing problems with ad blockers
  • getting the highest rate possible in real-time bidding
  • increasing margins from ad inventory

In turn, Schultz was able to provide a better experience for his users and increase his revenue by an estimated 15%. For an initial integration that only took 2 hours, that’s a huge ROI.

With results like these, it makes sense that more and more developers are moving to programmatic ad mediation. But before you take the next step, see what makes it a viable solution in today’s marketplace.

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This post was covered on VentureBeat.

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