Best Tools for Tracking User Behavior on Mobile Apps

4 min readSep 26, 2017


Do you know how users behave with your app? What are their likes and dislikes? It’s easy to neglect these questions and focus on other KPIs such as downloads and retention, yet it’s just as important to track user behavior in your mobile apps. This helps you see how users are interacting with your app and to better optimize your app for your users. To this end, we searched high and low for the best tools to help you do just that.

Mobile App Tracking Tools You Need To Know In 2019

We’ve searched high and low for the best tools to help you better track & optimize your app’s user experience. The mobile SDK ecosystem is booming more than ever in 2019, with SafeDK reporting a continuing increase in the number of SDKs integrated in mobile apps, SDK providers merging to create stronger tools together, and 65% of enterprise apps using qualitative analytics SDKs. Here are 2019’s top mobile app tracking tools for tracking user behavior.


“Actionable Analytics for your Business”

Flurry Analytics provides app tracking and analytics for businesses to monitor user interactions across multiple mobile applications. You can view data from every one of your apps to get a holistic view of users’ interactions with each app and easily compare behavior trends across your iOS and Android versions. Flurry supports Android, iOS, Windows, Blackberry, and Java ME.


“User behavior analytics for product, marketing, and data teams.”

Mixpanel is a great all around analytics solution which helps companies with tracking mobile apps and analyzing both their web and mobile products. This platform gives answers about how users engage with your products, so you can re-engage them in the future with more targeted information. Companies can get a better understanding of their user’s journeys and unlock more insights about their users as a whole.


“ Appsee — The market leader in qualitative analytics”

Appsee is a unique platform that adds qualitative app analytics to traditional numerical data, enabling you to really see your users’ behavior and understand every action they take. With user session video recordings, Appsee allows you to see exactly how users behave on the app. For example, you can see whether a user was confused during onboarding or if a certain bug triggered them to quit the app. Appsee’s touch heatmaps display the areas users interact with the most and least on each screen, as well as any unresponsive gestures. This allows you to quickly spot any UI or usability issues and understand users preferences per screen.


“Engagement that doesn’t just show the customer, it knows the customer.”

Localytics offers a variety of features from extensive quantitative analytics and app tracking to smart targeting and marketing automation. You can understand your users and their interactions with Localytics and then take the right actions to drive targeted engagement across the user lifecycle. Some of Localytics’ general features include app usage information, screenflow, A/B testing, funnels and segments. They support Android, iOS, Windows, Blackberry, and HTML5.


“Retain your Users for Life”

CleverTap is a user engagement and analytics platform for tracking mobile apps, that offers deep user insights, powerful segmentation, and personalized messaging. With CleverTap you can engage users with personalized push and in-app messages, and better understand their engagement preferences. You can also track user uninstalls and retarget/re-market them.

What are your favorite tools for tracking user behavior? Let us know below.




Qualitative app analytics lets you watch user session recordings and touch heatmaps for every screen, for a deep understanding of UX + user behavior.