4 Rules for Building a Successful Testing Strategy for Blockchain-Based Projects

While the basic testing principles are the same as for traditional software, testing of blockchain-based applications has its peculiarities. In the blog post below, we shared our experience planning a strategy for testing blockchain-based solutions and highlighted key nuances to consider regarding different project processes, tools and types of testing, and the overall planning of testing activities.

In software testing, planning every step is crucial. Missing a single little test can result in releasing your product with critical bugs that will affect its performance and security. To prevent this from happening, you need to dedicate enough time and effort to preparing your testing strategy.

Rule #1: Always have a plan

Planning your testing activities can help you:

  • Save time on product testing
  • Ensure the required level of product quality

Rule #2: Organize project processes

Based on our previous blockchain-related projects, we’ve outlined three major tasks worth your attention:

  • Having a continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) system
  • Planning development processes
  • Deploying a monitoring system

Rule #3. Use the right set of tools

In blockchain-related projects, the speed and quality of testing strongly depend on the tools you use. We use the following tools and frameworks:

  • Truffle
  • MetaMask
  • Ganache
  • Solo Chain
  • Hyperledger Caliper
  • JMeter
  • And others

Rule #4: Apply proper tests

After you pay special attention to and what tools to use, it’s time to take care of the quality of your blockchain solution. There are five key points to focus your testing efforts on:

When it comes to choosing specific blockchain system testing techniques and tools, there can’t be a one-size-fits-all solution. Testing of blockchain-based applications has its peculiarities. Your choice will fully depend on the type and goals of your application, as well as the network it’s based on.

For more insights and details, check the full article on Apriorit blog: 4 Rules for Building a Successful Testing Strategy for Blockchain-Based Projects



Apriorit — Specialized Software Development Company

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