Top 7 Mobile Backend as a Service (MBaaS) Platforms and tools

4 min readMar 26, 2024


In this post we briefly describe top MBaaS providers and tools with a focus on their key features and the types of projects these tools are suitable for.


Firebase is one of the most popular serverless development platforms for Android, iOS, and web applications. It offers a wide range of tools and services that simplify backend development for mobile and web applications.

Key features include:

  • Realtime NoSQL database for data storage and synchronization
  • Secure authentication system that supports email/password, social media logins (Google, Facebook), and custom authentication methods
  • Cloud-based Firebase Storage for user-generated content like images, videos, and files
  • Firebase Cloud Messaging for sending notifications, messages, or updates to mobile and web clients
  • Firebase Crashlytics for tracking, reporting, and prioritizing app crashes and issues across platforms

Firebase consists of many different servers that can be used independently. If you don’t need the platform’s full functionality, it’s possible to use only some of the features without opting for a full suite.

Note that complex, large-scale apps may find Firebase query capabilities limited. Firebase’s pricing model makes it an expensive option for projects such as retail apps that involve a high volume of database transactions.

Suitable for: small to midsize projects

AWS Amplify

AWS Amplify is a versatile collection of libraries, user interface components, and a command-line interface (CLI). Amplify is favored by teams at HyperTrack, Orangetheory, and Branch.

Key features include:

  • Built-in user management
  • Framework for sending push notifications to mobile and web clients
  • Multiple data storage options
  • Support of AI/ML capabilities like image recognition, text interpretation, and speech transcription in iOS and Android applications

AWS Amplify is rather complex and features a steep learning curve. This can be a hurdle for companies looking to reduce their time to market.

Suitable for: large-scale projects with strict quality and safety requirements rather than startup-level projects


Heroku is a cloud platform that provides a wide range of services for hosting, deploying, and scaling web applications and mobile back ends. While not traditionally categorized as an MBaaS platform, it offers many features and services that you can use to build and host the back end for your mobile app.

Key features include:

  • Server-side code and API deployment with various programming languages
  • Integrated database providers like Heroku Postgres and Heroku Redis for caching
  • Secure authentication with third-party identity providers
  • Automatic scaling and load balancing for handling varying traffic levels

Heroku is user-friendly, supports multiple programming languages, and offers scalability options. However, the costs can add up, especially with numerous add-ons and database services.

Suitable for: small to midsize projects or MVPs


Backendless is one of the best MBaaS platforms, competing with top players in the market. It boasts a solid client base, including SMBs and Fortune 500 companies like Accenture, Dell, and Capgemini. Backendless supports a wide range of client languages including Java, Swift, Objective-C, JavaScript, Flutter, and .NET.

Its feature set includes:

  • Secure user authentication, registration, and management
  • Geospatial data storage and queries
  • Real-time messaging and chat functionality
  • Cloud-based file storage and management
  • Scalable push notification delivery for engaging user experiences

Backendless also offers specialized versions for large enterprises, such as Backendless Pro and Managed Backendless. As of the time of writing, the latest version of Backendless ( also features a UI builder, multi-framework development, and a transaction API.

Suitable for: a wide range of projects, from small startups to large enterprises; particularly useful for applications requiring geolocation and real-time messaging

Progress Kinvey

Progress Kinvey is an enterprise-grade MBaaS solution designed to streamline the development and deployment of iOS, Android, web, and progressive web apps. It’s used by companies including Schneider Electric and VMware. Key features include:

  • Push notifications
  • User authentication and management
  • Internet of Things data management
  • Specialized microservices for industries like healthcare, insurance, and manufacturing

Progress Kinvey distinguishes itself with its differentiated pricing models, making it cost-effective for individual developers, small and midsize businesses, and large corporations. Extensive technical documentation and a large knowledge base ensure accessibility for developers of varying experience levels.

Suitable for: businesses of varying sizes that require features like push notifications, IoT data management, and industry-specific microservices


Back4App is an MBaaS platform offering SDKs for Swift, Android Studio, JavaScript, React Native, GraphQL, and other common development environments. Back4App relies heavily on Parse — one of the most popular platforms for backend development.

Back4App’s mobile server-side development toolbox includes:

  • Push notifications
  • Automated emails
  • Social login
  • A spreadsheet database for easy creation, updating, and syncing of data
  • A specialized CLI tool for easy migration from Parse to Back4App

Back4App enables you to choose between shared and dedicated software hosting.

Suitable for: various mobile app projects, from MVPs to enterprise-grade applications


Kumulos is a robust platform known for mobile application performance management.

It offers:

  • Crash reports and diagnostics
  • App store optimization
  • SDKs for major environments

Kumulos is highly scalable, with a simple drag-and-drop interface and the ability to collect and use your own data for optimizing performance, creating personalized user experiences, and improving your app. It also offers specialized MBaaS infrastructure for enterprises with specific requirements, such as dedicated servers, custom security measures, scalability options, and custom API integrations.

Suitable for: businesses that need robust app performance management and analytics along with mobile server-side development capabilities

Read the full article on Apriorit professional blog to explore more about how to choose a back end for your mobile app.




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