Being Woman

Apurva Bhelke
3 min readSep 15, 2014


Her side of Marriage!

Radha and Ma

Even though majority girls start thinking about marriage, prince charming and other pink things associated with it at the age of five, marriage is not easy! It is more than a letter you write to your future husband.

Even though the wedding card says your name, it is more than you. It is more than one day.

This is a story of a woman who was lucky to marry her prince charming and also the one who just couldn’t gather enough courage to marry her man of dreams. Here is the ultimate truth that every woman, lives every day.

“Maaa..” shreaked the house when Radha yelled at the top of her voice, Ma must have skipped a heart beat hearing her daughter shout aloud. This was not the first time she had heard this.

Right from a lizard to a serial rapist all thoughts crossed her mind in fraction of a second. She rushed to her as if she was practicing for a Olympic run. The words ‘towel please’ made here angry and relieved at the same time. She handed it and walked away swearing about what would she do at her husband’s place in this situation!

Madly in love with the concept of marriage, Radha answered, “He will happily hand me the towel!” Little did she know about HIM. She had painted him in her colors and she was all ready to fall in love. And she did. He was her change and he was her only constant in any change!

Radha was well versed with what is a marriage. She had been planning this day for practically majority of her life. And her happiness grew in leaps and bounds as the day approached from 8 months to 6 months to 3 months. She was excited to travel together, eat together and go to bed together.

But as the date came close she had a new definition of marriage. The one which involved making someone the epicenter of your world, the one which made her listen to instructions carefully, the one which her mother described in one word, ‘sacrifice.’

Not the sacrifice that sucks your own happiness but the one which adds to it. How can making pizza for him be tiresome for me if it puts a smile on his face and belly? How can helping his mom be a responsibility if she is who he cares about? How is spending a penny more for his sister’s birthday making me poor, if I am gaining a new best friend?

“What is it that I am sacrificing Ma? Am I doing marriage correct?” “Radha, you are sacrificing your childhood. Do you remember, the vanilla pudding I used to make just the way you liked it. And do you remember, it was the same day when your dad use to come back from an official tour?” Radha in anxious tone, “yeah Ma”, well you are now me; Ma said, “Marriage is not just making everyone happy. Marriage is not responsibility or a burden, it is being your mother. And how difficult is it to be someone who you know so well?”



Apurva Bhelke

Reader, learner and a Kathak dancer. Love to smile, dance and celebrate life. Love God and My Man!