How Chemistry saves your life

Aranya Pal
2 min readAug 19, 2018


In a world without chemistry and in turn medicines, what should you do if a bee stings you? Well, I regret to say this, but you should get stung by a wasp.

Bee stings have acidic substances, which can be neutralised by the alkaline stuff in a wasp sting.

Its a case of buy one, get one free, or shall we say: get stung, have to get stung again for free. No, no, there is no free lunch, there is no free sting. You have to pay by suffering excruciating pain, twice.

Imagine this, Mrs. Bee stings you for stealing her honey. You have to run for Mr. Wasp now. You break his home, hoping he will get mad at you. Your prayers are answered. Mr. Wasp favours you with his sting. Relieved that you have been finally neutralised, you walk off, doing a small victory dance.

Big mistake, should have watched your steps. Mrs. Nettle’s¹ waiting for you to step on her. Wish fulfilled, (her’s not yours) your dance turns into a mad hop of pain, your face contorts. Oh f***, back to Mr. Wasp.

Thank heavens for Chemistry.

1: A nettle is a plant with an acidic sting

