Carrier Johnson uses Arazoo to create a single point of record to manage their product knowledge

2 min readOct 29, 2015


Growing rapidly across two offices in Southern California, Carrier Johnson found itself working faster, but not efficiently. This added strain to project teams who were already scouring the firm’s server folders trying to find the most up to date product and material documentation. More often than not, they’d spend hours trying to find info in their files on previously used products only to find that info was already outdated. Now, Carrier Johnson uses Arazoo to maintain a single, current, searchable version of each product in their digital library that everyone in the firm has access to.

When firms like Carrier Johnson experience great growth, their projects become more complex and clients more demanding. The stakes are high. Mistakes can be costly. Sometimes, a mistake takes the form of an outdated product specification or an incorrect use of the product. Sometimes, it is the accidental omission of a product. This is particularly true in bid documents, but it also applies even to the simple act of sharing product knowledge between colleagues. Working constantly under tight fees and deadlines, most firms rarely have enough time to double check and cross-reference their product selections. “Somebody will figure it out,” one thinks, “I have to hit this deadline now!”

Using Arazoo, Carrier Johnson streamlines the product selection process and captures product knowledge in a way that is easily accessible for others in the firm to build upon in their own projects. Notes, comments, CAD details, attachments, links, and photos are easily added to a single version of a product card.

“With tremendous growth over the past few years,” Carrier Johnson’s Digital Technologies Manager Casey Mahon says, “our teams were opting for speed and passing off a dump of information to our Spec writer who then had to sort through it with little in the way of documentation, notes, or information. This was leading to inaccurate product specs or missing products because we were working on assumptions. With Arazoo, all the data and history is right there, visually organized.”

Now, whenever anyone at Carrier Johnson needs to learn about the firm’s past experience with a certain product, or what products were previously used on a certain project type, there is a single source of record for the firm to turn to.

