Review Spider-Man 2 Enter Electro

2 min readMay 6, 2022


Spider-Man 2 Enter Electro is the sequel of Spider-Man for Playstation, and mostly keeps the way the things were, with excepton of a few things.

Let us start with a few bad things, the second mission in the game just throws on the map and you have to figure out how to proceed which is awful and bad design, in my opinion.The controls and camera didn’t get any better and this makes going through puzzles not just a challenge natural from the game, but a challenge proporcioned by bad design and poor controls.
The consistency of Spidey’s suit is out there, while in the cutscenes he uses the classic outfit in game he wears one with a web under his arms. Talking about cutscenes, they are put right at the checkpoints, so everytime you die you have to skip all the cutscenes.

I think the story in this game is a lot better than the first one, since the last game was a strange plot that would decimate the city and the new game is actually an interesting search for power.

I think the graphics may have improved, specially the scenarios the player will see.

All bosses after the first one have small puzzles to beat to defeat them, what I like a lot, in fact this game is 90% puzzles anyway.

I don’t have much more to say about this game. It’s extremely similar to the first game.

If you played the first game and you liked it, go for it.

*Clunky Controls
*Outdated Graphics
*bad direction to the player

*Bosses are often small puzzles
*Several collectables
*Some marvel characters making an appearance
*intuitive gameplay

I rate this game 7/10.

I Hope you enjoyed my video, and if you have any thoughts or ideas don’t think twice before posting them on the comments below.
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