Is Lord Parshuram really alive?

Once upon a time, when the reporters of TV Now Navbharat reached Mahendra Giri mountain and investigated Mahendra Giri mountain completely or in a good way, they found some remains, examples of which are present in front of you. Reporter Score There was a Rudraksha rosary and suddenly around 1:00 to 1:30 in the night something like a shadow of Lord Parshuram appeared and around 2:00 in the morning the sound of Lord Parashuram standing was heard. Some sages and sages used to do penance on that mountain. It has also been heard from them that around 2:00 in the night, the sound of his standing was heard and he himself used to do penance of Lord Shiva every day. Note:- If you see some confusion in these things and some confusing words or some wrong sentences, then you can go to our blog post and see the screenshot around 2:00 pm, the name of our blog is pandit451707. com.

अर्जुन पंचारिया सिंधू

राष्ट्रीय परशुराम सेना संघ का कार्यकर्ता तथा राष्ट्रीय परशुराम परिषद् का सदस्य और अमर उजाला का सत्यापित कवि।