A student in Mumbai, India takes part in a peace rally on Tuesday to commemorate the 68th anniversary of the atomic bombings of the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan. Photo Credit: Danish Siddiqui of Reuters

The Peace Economy

Amar Singh Kaleka
6 min readMar 29, 2015

by Amardeep Kaleka

America has been at war for 222 out of 239 years, sadly, only reaching peace for 17 years*. There is no nation in the modern world with this horrific of a track record. Our obsession for war and violence comes from the foundation we have built our country on — revolution, genocide, and slavery. Grotesquely, Republicans, when they claim that “war is good for economy,” perpetuate and chisel a fallacy into the echoes of our conservative minds. War is NOT good for economy. IN fact, the opposite of war — PEACE — is far better for economy.

Let’s do a thought experiment: if there are two cities, one peaceful, and the other, full of strife and war, then which will be more prosperous, more educated, more civilized? Case in point. Peace is what builds a nation into a power house, and there is plenty of competition around the planet to motivate this to happen in America.

Photo Credit: Suzanne Plunkett at Reuters

So what is this Peace Economy we speak of?
The Peace Economy is marked by a restorative justice model, rather than a retribution justice system (also known as an eye for an eye society). Restorative models use health and social welfare to help restore balance and homeostasis to the community. Under this model, the prison and jail system of the United States would transform to be on par with the most developed nations in the E.U. and beyond. “Equal justice for all” is not just a motto, but rather a necessity for equal participation in a noble economy.

Peace economies usually embody a smaller, but just as necessary, “Knowledge economy”. The collegiate and university sector of each city-state is the crown jewel of the intellegencia of the region. In these areas, children are educated beyond what’s necessary, and towards self actualization at an early age. Kids from these areas find their voice early, are physically and psychologically healthier, and of course, find better jobs. The tax structure and the community support should be centralized around all schools. Community schooling is the central tenant of the Peace Economy. Kids can NOT be transported away from their “community school”. If this happens, then the Knowledge Economy of the region suffers greatly.

There are 4,600 degree granting institutions in the USA.

Instead of war, America should be known for all of it’s great universities and colleges. We have the highest levels of education on the planet with the best professors, and the best campuses. We have hundreds of them across this great land when other countries would be lucky to have a dozen. Yet, more of our high schoolers sign up for the military than any other voluntary country.

The knowledge economy also extends to the private sector because it creates a talent pool for selecting better employees. This type of system is epitomized in seminar and professional leadership training, such as TED talks. Whenever there is a diplomatic and intelligent discussion, therein lies the knowledge economy, which replaces the war machine to create the Peace Economy.

By the Way — this is the probably the best example of the knowledge economy and peace economy combining into one of the best TED talks ever given.



The Peace Economy is tech friendly and millennial friendly. The Internet is a type 1 communication device. It equalizes the playing field, and allows business and commerce to flourish without the same infrastructural challenges that the old model suffers. The Internet also allows for social interaction at a higher number than ever before, though the quality of those interactions might not be the same. If America wanted to grow the Peace Economy, here at home, then we need to invest in better wiring and wifi services in each town, each city, and across state borders.

The Peace Economy would be notable because of the rise in civilization and ethics. For decades now, the American culture has dropped to a new low, being led by, what the Romans would call, the “bread and circus”. Americans gather around food and alcohol, while being connected to a sensationalized entertainment system which brain washes children into unrealistic goal setting. For example, in the inner city, you can ask each student what they would like to do when they grow up, and well over half want to sing, play a sport, or gain fame through entertainment despite the longest of odds. The Peace Economy, fueled by the knowledge economy would change this completely.

As peace would break out all over the nation, violent crime and property crime will drop. When this happens, the inner city, which is plagued by violence and community horrors, will transform. In the transformation, we will find more compassion, empathy, and fellowship. This will translate into a rise of property values in the most centralized parts of our civilization, which will in turn, raise property values everywhere else.

There is easy legislation to pass all over the nation to bring the Peace Economy to fruition. There are many budgets which can be rebalanced in a blink of an eye to send more resources to the knowledge economy, rather than to inefficient prisons, war, and military led research and development.

Some enlightened scholars point out that we lack the leadership in our state houses, on our boards, and most definitely, in the merchant class of America (aka the Grand Ol’ Party) to rebalance this equation.

However, we do have the 80% of people who understand the need for Peace. From the church going people, to the hard working middle class people, to those who have lived through strife — we have an Army of do-gooders mounting up. If you are one of these people, and you understand that the point of this article was to move us away from violence based spending and organizing towards peace building and knowledge building, then consider joining the movement.

We need hundreds, if not thousands, of supporters and unsung heroes, who need to stand up and run for office in 2016. With the presidency of the United States on the line, there will, again, be a record turnout at the polls. We need to replace these seats of very brainwashed right wing war mongers with compassionate and benevolent decision makers. We need to replace the very disorganized and confounded liberal agenda, with a clear cut movement centralized on one tenant — Peace.

We need those who are not afraid of technology, education, and rhetoric to stand up and place a sacrifice at the table. Bring your time, your passion, and your wisdom, and we — at Invictus Campaign Solutions will help you organize, fundraise, and put together a winning campaign for whichever seat or state you would like to run in. From school board to the United States Congress — we have been through thick and thin. Let us help you stand up for the Peace Economy, and hopefully, in a pivotal election year turn around a nation lost at war. If we can do it properly, together, then we can put forth an unprecedented coordinated campaign that will kick off a Pax Americana.

Do you want to help us build a Peace Economy around the nation?

Email us here: invictuscampaignsolutions@gmail.com or arm@neverendinglight.com



Amar Singh Kaleka

Emmy® Award Winning Film & TV Director at https://vimeo.com/69857961 Born in India, raised in the USA.