Who is Amar Singh?

Amar Singh Kaleka
5 min readJul 5, 2024


Known as ARM to many.

Yes, there is a Wikipedia page. But if you read and interact with this article, you will learn more. Also, you will see great content that moves the spirit.

Start here, this is a short demo reel of Arm’s work.

Arm founded NEL. You can contact them at production.nel@gmail.com.

Things were going well as Arm helped form a whole new distribution pipeline for Documentary film and Hollywood. Essentially, pre sell a film through crowdfunding, then make the film.

His first project was entitled, Sirius (as in the brightest star in the sky).

During filming of this semi-controversial documentary, the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin, Arm’s family’s Gurudwara was attacked on a Sunday morning, August 5th, 2012. This was the day after Barack Obama’s birthday in an election year. The attacker was a former Army sergeant booted out of Psych Ops. This asymmetrical threat gunned down Arm’s father, President Satwant Singh Kaleka (known as Sam), alongside six other beautiful souls.

Arm, along with his family and community, responded with forgiveness and grace. This was only weeks after the Aurora theater shooting and right before two hundred mass shootings became the norm per year.

Arm, and his brother Pardeep (known to many as Par), joined the peace movement which arose from the many mass shootings and violent crime epidemics over the past decades.

To see Pardeep’s work, watch this:

Ultimately, through the Survivor Network, they, along with many great families around America, were able to help raise over $105 million for Victims and Survivors of major national tragedies.

Here are three sites and funds they helped sponsor, co-found, and promote.

After raising money, Arm, Par, and the Survivor Network team raised awareness about violence in America as they stood together to help lobby and successfully widen Gun Background Checks. No easy victory indeed!

Here he is giving a powerful speech after a pivotal mass shooting:

During the victory on background checks, Arm also ran for congress against Paul Ryan.

Here are a few campaign videos:

All the while, Arm continued filming Peacemakers.

Even during the congressional campaign, Arm continued filming Peacemakers.

Here is the first Act of the film (never before published):

Arm also activated at Standing Rock, helping make video content with Unify to raise another six figures for the Sioux Nation. Watch here:

Then, after this, he started traveling around the world with great people, sharing their trades and showcasing how Americans can help the world.

To see more of how these light warriors are changing the world, please watch and experience this:

After taking trips to Paris, the Dominican Republic, Egypt, India, Sri Lanka, and all around the nation, Arm started the Independent Party.

After multiple movements which helped shape change, the older Arm decided to tackle the major root of all problems: poverty and inequality of wealth.

Even after all this work, Arm, Par, and their family miss their father, Satwant, very much. As they continue to work on change, they stay glued to their family and network in Wisconsin, Illinois, California, Georgia, and abroad.

If you would like to join them, please email production.nel@gmail.com.

Satwant Singh Kaleka “The Eternal”.



Amar Singh Kaleka

Emmy® Award Winning Film & TV Director at https://vimeo.com/69857961 Born in India, raised in the USA.