Amar Singh Kaleka
7 min readJul 11, 2016


Amar Singh Kaleka

If I had to spend $10 to make the biggest impact on this upcoming election — before I’d donate to Hillary, who is going to landslide this one — I would pledge support right now to Khary Penebaker (WI-D) in Wisconsin’s 5th district.

Matter of fact, today is my birthday. Cha ching — I just donated.

Okay so… I’ve never asked for any one to donate a birthday gift to any cause before that I can remember. .. but because Wisconsin is such a vital place for our national politics.

I ask it now. For the sake of my children and my family’s future.

For the sake of the people of Southeastern Wisconsin. They have often been called the “Heartland of America” because of our Outsiders, Pony Boys, Fonzerelli’s, Laverne and Shirleys. We are the toolbox of America. This is one of the most affected areas which has been rocked by the recession and the bloodshed following.

We speak very little and work very hard.

Right now, we are going through crisis after crisis; Dear Lord. From the murder rate rising as the degrees of the summer thermometer pop, to the institutionalized racism and supremacy borne from decades of a puritanical patriarchal and matriarchal society, including one of the worst red lined districts. Red lining means that loans were denied or given based on culture.

History Of Tha Streetz: Milwaukee ::

Though we are mighty and righteous, we are the meek and salt of the Earth. We are the farmers and the tavern hoppers. We are the common sense people of America.

On my behalf, please donate a few hard earned working class dollars to my friend Khary Penebaker.

Every “Penny” counts.

“Penny” — only I get to call him that —because he told me once that he’d like to be “the Abraham Lincoln of politics”, again. I respect a man who does not resort to a lie, and is bold enough to aim at self actualizing as the next Lincoln. I don’t use those words lightly.

Penebaker, as people should start to remember him by, is facing off against one of the most “elite”, and one of the laziest congressman in the Union — James Sensenbrenner (WI-R). He has held office as the congressman from the 5th District — for 38 (thirty-eight) years.


Every American Congressman and Senator should have a term limit (I would propose 16 to follow the original founding father’s intentions). If they stay longer and longer, they will become immune from elections, and ultimately because of this, become corrupt, or inept. Ask any third world nation.

James Sensenbrenner is just this; over the 38 years, he has become inept, corrupt, and therefore, lazy.

Sorry — I had to.

In these years, he has written some of the most horrible of legislation that encroaches on the rights of all Americans — the Patriot Act. We all remember thinking this paperwork seemed to0 broad and shallow to protect us from any real threat. << Even he thought the same thing .

Obviously, history, which is on our side now, proved this as a FACT…


As the whistleblower Edward Snowden showed, the government was already spying on the taxpayers with no clear intent and no priority of safety.

Sensenbrenner was the tip of just that one spear. IN short, he was the inept leadership who kept us unsafe. He was the quiet crooked politician, who wobbled around back rooms; lobbying men and women to fight wars which didn’t matter. He was one of the men who bailed out big banks, though they sold the American homeowner down the river with greedy tactics and ponzi schemes.

He is the epitome of the floundering GOP. Trump is their circus, while Sensenbrenner is their base. Where would you like to strike this year with your dollar?

With Sensenbrenner — after 38 years of economic disaster around the state; multiple large contracts denied; and many WRONG votes, including the Iraq war; another go around should be highly unwanted not only in the state, but around the nation, and the world.

Thus, Penebaker vs Sensenbrenner is one of the biggest races in the country for this 2016 cycle… and the most cost effective :-).

Penebaker, a survivor of gun violence, has been working on the ground as a community organizer and lobbyist. His work has helped Wisconsin become safer and more peaceful despite the uphill climb we all have faced.

Penebaker also comes from a completely different generation of politicians. He is more of a listener, an empathetic man who has worked as a blue collar roofer for many years. He embraces the pluralism which our nation was built on. He aims to improve the infrastructure with common sense initiatives like federal and state projects to fix our bridges, railways, roads and highways. He has also pledged his support of the Clintonian economic model, which like before, will give us a far better growth pattern than the trickle down imperialism model.

Penebaker’s focus, just like his teammates on the blue team, would be on a progressive economy and maximizing our American resources to allow more upward mobility for the working class. Stagnation is rampant for a wide variety of reasons. This is one way to disturb that pattern.

Sensenbrenner, like his counterparts, believes in an old fashioned economy which prizes scarcity and trickle down philosophies. These older takes on money have already failed twice — once in the Great Depression and once in the Great Recession. Despite a modern day Internet boom that has created many millionaires in the third world, America still lags embarrassingly behind in information technologies, communication, science, and math.

Sensenbrenner and the GOP have been purposely destroying public education and the public sector governance because they abide by a defunct philosophy: smaller government equals more control. The democrats have been operating on the philosophy that we need more proficient government.

Neither says that they want to grow government. However, by looking at how wide and vast America is, and how archaic and defunct our election process has become, we — as a public — might want to consider some radical changes like immigration growth and major public works projects.

Election processes are hiring and firing events.

This time around, if we want “America to win again”, borrowing Trump’s simplistic rhetoric, then we probably want to fire people who have been part of the destruction. No matter their great intentions, politicians like Sensenbrenner are out of date, beyond their golden years of mental stamina, and far behind the times. This is killing our nation. Below is an article where good ol’ Sensenbrenner had to spend office time to apologize to the White House for talking about Michelle Obama’s behind.

Yes. That was your congressional representative saying that, Wisconsin. I guess he is guarding that beer, cheese, and mental illness industry that his pharmaceutical reps created out of your children in the Western suburbs. Hope that doesn’t hit too close to home, but after dealing with young people from that area — I will only speak truth — after his shrewd and downright disrespectful comments of our First Lady.

Penebaker has the best shot at defeating Sensenbrenner, but it’s going to require grass root’s donations from all over the blue nation. Every $10 here will have the most bang for the buck. With enough of them, the Penebaker team will have the ability to get the word out by November and to make a historic race that would epitomize where our nation has been, and where it needs to go.

To impact the United States political process at the highest levels, offer a few dollars to this campaign, and share this link:

Like always.

Thanks for your time.

Here’s love and light brethren and family. May each of your birthdays be filled with joy and happiness. May each day, after work, you come home to help build a better and more prosperous future, not only for yourselves, and your little ones, but for all our little ones together. For we are one nation. ONE mighty nation. INDIVISIBLE. And with Justice and peace for all.

May our streets shine for millennia with the golden light of opportunity and civility.



Amar Singh Kaleka

Emmy® Award Winning Film & TV Director at Born in India, raised in the USA.