Science: The Question and the Answer

2 min readSep 18, 2023


Science, a term often overlooked, holds profound meanings that go beyond a simple definition. It is not merely a subject of study, but rather a never-ending quest for understanding and meaning. As human beings, we have dedicated ourselves to expanding our knowledge in the vast realm of science. But why do we do this?

The Origin of Science

Science emerged during the Renaissance period in the early 17th century, a time of transition from blind faith and superstition to a focus on experimentation and logical deduction. This revolutionary period gave rise to the scientific era and paved the way for groundbreaking discoveries.

Science: A Question

Science is built upon three fundamental pillars: the question of why something happens, the question of how it happens, and the question of what would happen if something else occurred. These questions form the foundation of scientific exploration.

Science: An Answer

In pursuit of these questions, we conduct experiments and make observations. Some observations remain consistent regardless of the conditions, and these observations become the basis for scientific laws. These laws provide answers to our inquiries.

Science: A Study

As we delve deeper into these observations, we seek to understand the reasons behind the answers we uncover. This leads us to the study of various properties and phenomena, allowing us to explore beyond the limits of our perception.

Science: A Subject

The conclusions we reach through our studies are organized into three major branches of science: Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. Physics focuses on answering curious questions using the three pillars of science, while Chemistry and Biology delve into the study of the properties and behaviours of the world around us.

Science: Perceiving and Understanding

Science serves to enhance our understanding and perception of the world. By learning from nature and harnessing its knowledge, we can address problems and strive to make the world a better place.

