7 Key Points to Consider In Industrial Kitchen Layout

Arnold Kotak
3 min readOct 27, 2014


The layout and design of an industrial kitchen play crucial role in determining the success of your business. If design is poor, it may result into delays and lead to an unorganized system at the place. In worst scenario, it may also drag your business to failure and cause financial loss.

An industrial kitchen has to be designed in the manner that can ensure quick and smooth flow of service. A good industrial kitchen design allows the chefs to keep pace with the food demands effortlessly.

Here are top 7 points to consider while planning the layout or design or an industrial kitchen.

Space Area

Well before you start shopping industrial catering equipment in the online or brick mortar market, it is essential to first check out the space available for equipment installation and service. Many catering equipment supplier companies offer professional kitchen design and installation services for commercial and industrial businesses. The experts help make the most of the space in the most efficient and effective manner possible.

Safety and Hygiene

Regardless if you are designing a brand new industrial kitchen or upgrading the existing one, make sure your kitchen design professionals team consider the safety and hygiene at the top priority while planning the layout. The experts ensure the right placement of exhaust system, fire extinguisher and ventilation in the kitchen so as to ensure the safety of everyone working in or visiting the place.


Like the fragrance of that amazing food reaches to the noses of your customers or staff, a good kitchen layout can create a strong visual appeal and drag in more visitors to your kitchen.


A well-arranged industrial grade kitchen area keeps ample room for kitchen staff to walk around easily without colliding with any kitchen product or with one another. A good design ensure mobility of your kitchen staff, which is vital for smooth functioning of your industrial kitchen, mainly when service demand is at peak.

Smart Design

Wondering what is called smart kitchen design? Well, a kitchen design that ensure that all tasks can be done with least movements and efforts is called smart design or an ergonomic design. If planned successfully, such design eliminate the chances of accidents, fatigue and discomfort amongst kitchen employees.


For a successful industrial kitchen, it is extremely important to be versatile in its layout and design. Food trend may change anytime resulting in the change of menu, which may ultimately demand new positions of kitchen equipment, increase or decrease usage of any particular equipment, and even make you shop for a whole new set of equipment to replace the outdated ones. And thus, it is strongly recommended that kitchen equipment you buy should be easy to move and easy to clean. Moreover, the layout should allow easy shifting of those equipment.

Environment friendly

If you ensure to buy industrial kitchen equipment range with higher energy efficiency quotient, you will eventually reduce a large amount of your yearly utility bills and thus increasing your business revenues. Ideally, refrigeration unit should be placed far from the cooking equipment so as to boost the efficiency level of the extractor hood.

Hope these tips will help you choose the right industrial catering equipment supplier company.

Author Bio: The author is a web content writer. She boasts of deep insights into the commercial and industrial kitchen equipment used all across the UK.

