What is Spiritual Wealth?

Arnound Woodgett
2 min readSep 12, 2015

You may be wondering or better yet confused on what it all means.

I will tell you so hopefully it clicks somewhere…..

Spiritual wealth is balance within using the metaphysical unseen forces of the universe guided by your soul’s and mind’s energy causing a universal response to what you want…..

Money is called currency because it is energy and not paper. You must see beyond it. Only you are what posses real value because nothing exist or is manifest without your energy.

Your ideas, thoughts and emotions are what creates it into this world in exchange for money. So, if you are really inspired with desired intention to write a book and want to take action on it then eventually you will be rewarded by how many lives it impacted.

When your aware of the spiritual enlightenment in your mind then you will begin to see the world as an illusion . You will begin to tap into the endless divine source of creation.

You will understand the divine mind and how others work. Intuition will guide or give you signals to the information in ways others are not consciously aware of. Spiritually manifesting money becomes effortless with practice but taking focused consistent action but not sleeping on what you value or desire most.

Clearly knowing how to cause your internal energy to make tangible possessions or money is the powerful secret to spiritual wealth.



Arnound Woodgett

I empower, motivate and teach others how to develop their spiritual consciousness | Follow On Instagram @enlightenednetworker