StarGarden: A New Game for a New World

3 min readSep 14, 2021


Twenty years ago gaming was revolutionized by the creation of a number of massively multiplayer online role playing worlds (MMORPG’s) that allowed gamers to socialize with others at any time of the day from anywhere in the world. These worlds typically had primitive but exciting game economies where players would want to trade rare items between themselves. As this was not supported by developers, players had to go outside the game using makeshift methods to trade, and often they became the targets of scams due to a lack of trade security.

To make the situation worse, game developers became envious that most of the economic activity in their games was happening outside the game. They responded by punishing players for trading, resulting in thousands of monthly account bans. All economic activity was totally centralized with the game developer making most or all the money. Governing with an iron fist, developers created environments that were increasingly less social, more toxic, and very repetitive. Total progression content (time to end game) in these worlds was typically about a month, forcing players to repeat the end game content over and over and over again. This end game content often forced players into “raids” that could last eight or more hours. These raids caused the end of many loving real space relationships by forcing players to choose between their virtual friends and their real space friends, family, and obligations.

By utilizing lessons hard learned over the last two decades, and with access to technology that these first-generation virtual world builders could only dream of, we have set along the path of reversing all these negative traits to create a more empowering world with almost limitless possibilities: StarGarden.

The emphasis in StarGarden is truly sociable gameplay and player built real money economies.

Players come together in tribes that require cooperative gameplay for game progression. These tribes increase in size over time, with robust systems to encourage recruitment of new players that are appreciated despite being new to the game. Optimal progression for everyone occurs when the entire tribe is working together to explore and expand the tribe’s access to the world and new creatures to recruit. The key difference is that we have designed the game to be played in a shorter time and we don’t require, encourage, or reward play for extended hours. We also don’t tell you when to play. That should be your choice.

Thus we don’t force you to choose between the game and “real life.”

To keep the game exciting, instead of there being the usual one month of progression content, we have already designed the systems for ~1000 unlockable creatures in 20 progression Domains, with a path that takes over 3 years, and we’re designing even more.

Each team will pick their own path to end game, because trying to unlock all of our content would take over a decade.

Unlike in mobile games that often have very long grindy progression paths, each of our creatures are very different from each other with unique special abilities and backstories that make them an important part of the story of our world. Each StarGarden tribe can decide which Domains they want to unlock, leading each tribe to diverge and become different from every other tribe.

The coolest and most powerful creatures in our game can be crafted and sold between players. We do not sell them. Ever. But players do. We have a powerful decentralized economy that encourages player trades with rewards that go up over time, instead of down as in economies that are designed with short lifespans or deprived of a full knowledge of how to build long-term decentralized economies: As players progress in the game they unlock higher tier ingredients lose access to lower tier ingredients, which creates interdepency between players. We plan to use Solana to protect our decentralized player-to-player trade economy, and benefit from its negligible fees and 65,000 transactions per 4 second.

While StarGarden is designed to be enjoyed by our Citizens for years, our long-term goals are to generate the resources and knowledge necessary to make even larger worlds in the future, and to set the design and technological standards for others that want to do similar projects.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please note that as we go further in production and test gameplay certain elements of the game and anything written about in these articles may change but the core ethos driving our mission, which is to give our player citizens as much value as possible, will remain the same.


*immerse yourself in our story




Arrivant is the next era of sociable gaming; powered by blockchain and player built real money economies.