The pros and cons of artificial intelligence

Artificial Brilliance
2 min readJul 22, 2016


People have been wary about the concept of artificial intelligence since it was first invented. There’s something uncanny about the idea of machines that are human-like but not quite human and Hollywood has capitalized on these fears.

But artificial intelligence is basically a tool, and isn’t inherently good or bad. It can only be used in good and bad ways. Here are some of the pros and cons of artificial intelligence.


  • Humans get bored, machines don’t. That means that artificial intelligence is useful in that it can be programmed to do mundane tasks that humans don’t prefer.
  • AI is faster to act and react to incoming information. AI is already being used for fraud detection, planning, and scheduling, and cyber-security.
  • AI can process massive amounts of data quickly. Data that would take a human thousands of years to read through could be processed by AI in seconds.
  • AI can’t make mistakes so long as they’re programmed correctly.
  • AI can do risky jobs, like exploring space, without putting human lives in jeopardy.


  • Job loss. There’s no way around it, as artificial intelligence becomes more advanced, jobs, especially those in certain fields, will be filled by AI.
  • Though AI will create many new jobs and a lot of wealth, the disbursement of that wealth will be uneven. For instance, truck drivers, taxi drivers, and bus drivers will all be out of a job almost overnight when fully autonomous vehicles are legalized and become reasonably priced.
  • AI can result in a concentration of power. The wealthy and powerful will be the ones most likely to have control over AI making them even more wealthy and powerful.
  • Benign goals can be carried out perversely. Say artificial intelligence is tasked with solving a food shortage problem. AI would see nothing wrong with reducing the human population rather than increasing food supply if it was a simpler solution.

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