Gripe Artist
3 min readSep 26, 2014

HJ has launched a new video on how to make fat loss faster by creating the best diet plan to follow

HJ has launched a new video on how to make fat loss faster by creating the best diet plan

Weight is an issue that continues to bug many people. Losing weight is not as easy as gaining weight and for this reason many people struggle to lose weight without much success. Heater Jameson has become the new hope for people with weight issues having been overweight herself at some point in her life. She now offers weight loss tips among other helpful health tips for a perfect attractive sexy body.

In her new video, she tells of the possibilities of losing weight fast with the use of a good diet plan that suits an individual. HJ starts by looking at the number of calories that should be taken on a daily basis. Only 1000 calories should be taken daily and nothing more to this figure if at all fast weight loss is to be enjoyed. To get this amount of calories right every day, six meals should be taken. The six should be made up of three large meals and three smaller snacks to complete the day.

One thing that complements a diet plan is a massage, and since HJ didn’t have enough time to go and get massages done for her, she got a massage brush that really worked for her lower body. She got it from this url: on a 50 % sale.

With the regular eating throughout the day, individuals manage to stay full throughout the day and this is amazing in as far as keeping bad snacking and overeating at bay. It ensures that only the right amounts of food are taken every day to keep up with the energy demands. The meals will keep energy on top and this aids proper fat burning throughout the day. By taking 1,000 calories every single day through a well-planned diet, it will be possible to lose 1 pound every day through increased burnings.

The six meals taken during the day are also very important for the enhancement of exercises that are done towards losing the weight. This is because the meals cater for the energy that is needed to keep the performance high during the exercises. It makes it possible for the individuals to get the most from their exercises geared towards losing weight hence faster realization of the weight loss goals that are in place.

To lose weight fast by taking the right amounts of calories, it is important to know the foods and their calorie counts. This can be hard for many but HJ invites all interested persons to ask all questions and get the right diet for fast weight loss. Different foods contain different calories and they therefore will need to be mixed right to keep up with the 1,000 calorie limits everyday according to HJ. By following the strict calorie diet and coupling it with other efforts such as exercises, fast weight loss is without a doubt going to be experienced and within a short period of time for that matter.

Thanks to HJ, all individuals looking for the fastest way of losing weight can now find tips that work effectively in achieving them the weight that they feel is ideal. The diet video can be watched at

About us:

After 3 years experience in health and fitness for women, we are dedicated to help women all over the world get in shape and get rid of cellulite fast.

Contact: Heather Jameson

Company: Fatloss for women

Address: 122 Main Street, 03262, N. Woodstock, NH

Telephone No.: 603–745–8971
