3 min readDec 22, 2016


Geometrical architectural forms are one of the fundamental references throughout 21-year old Villiam Miklos Andersen’s experimental artistic practice. Despite being only a second year student at the Jutland Art Academy in Aarhus, Denmark, he has already set the foundation for a promising artistic career.

Villiam Miklos Andersen experiments with materiality through various mediums, materials, textures, surfaces and forms — not surprisingly he studied architecture before dropping out to become an artist. An architectural and geometrical starting point is often deconstructed and put into a clash of opposites as seen in his installation ‘Still-Leben’ from 2015. The artwork consists of different objects, for instance a patchwork made of quadratic pieces and an abstract painting, which prove to have a powerful way of twisting and cultivating the viewer’s perception. Take a closer look, the blanket is actually made from dirty dishcloths and the painting has a moldy surface as a result of a smeared layer of double cream that has gone bad and was transformed into organic hairy patches. A strict geometrical form meets the organic and unpredictable mold — and a new artistic expression is born.

In his latest installation ‘Tribute to The Circle, The Triangle and The Rectangle’, Villiam Miklos Andersen presents two different mediums: photography and relief. Two photos depict unknown geometrical details, shapes and textures, which are translated into three handmade reliefs in heavy cement mixed with salt. The salt resulted in a change of the color and made the surface crack into a crystalline pattern. Once again, an ode to strict geometrical forms is disrupted by the organic and unpredictable.

Undoubtedly, Villiam Miklos Andersen is not afraid of challenging our perception in his ongoing play with forms and ideas. We are so ready to enter your playground, Villiam!

Villiam Miklos Andersen (b. 1995)
2015 — Jutland Art Academy, Aarhus, Denmark
2014–2015 The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture, Copenhagen

Selected exhibitions 2016
Interiør, Vester Allé 26, 1. floor, Aarhus
The Waiting Room, Landspital, University Hospital of Iceland, Reykjavik
Summer Exhibition, Billund sculpture park
Aral, Aarhus Artspace

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