25 ways to be Happy — Part 3

The Art of Living
4 min readMar 21, 2017


17. Be a student, always

Knowledge may come to you from any corner. Each occasion teaches you and each person teaches you. When you are always looking to learn, you will stop underestimating others.

Humility will dawn in your life.

18. Let us be unpredictable

We often behave like machines. A compliment makes us smile and an insult makes us frown. You have the freedom to respond differently.

As people have a right to question, you have the right whether to answer or not.

19. Compare your performance

In the past year, how many days were you in sanyas? How many days were you struggling, being caught in maya?

Turn back and remember the whole year. Do not run away from anything. Do not reject anything.

Learn and unlearn from the past, and move on.

20. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes

Mistakes of the past are past. Whatever mistake has happened, do not consider yourself a sinner because in the present moment you are again new, pure and clear.

Every time you try to defend your position, it makes you more and more weak. When you are totally defenceless, that’s when you’ll be strong.

21. Dream the impossible

Not a year should pass without doing something creative. We are all born in this world to do something wonderful and unique; don’t let this opportunity pass by.

Give yourself the freedom to dream and think big. Many a time people who dreamt big were ridiculed, but they remained strong to achieve their goals.

22. Feel that “I am blessed”

The feeling that “I am blessed” can help you overcome any failure.

Once you realise that you are blessed, then all the complaints disappear, all the grumbling disappears, all the insecurities disappear, a sense of not being loved disappears, wanting love disappears.

All the seeming failures are only stepping stones for greater success.

23. Have a sense of humour

Humour will grease all tough situations. One who has humour can sail through any conflict. Humour brings everyone together. The wise use humour to bring wisdom and to lighten situations.

Humour is not just words, it is the lightness of your being.

24. Overcome Prejudice

There are good people and bad people in every community. Your prejudice against gender, religion, caste and class does not allow you to mingle with everyone around you.

At the same time don’t be shy about your identity. When you overcome prejudice, you will be very natural, and your quality of life will improve.

25. Do random acts of kindness

Have you ever done acts of kindness without expecting anything out of it? You don’t have to plan acts of kindness. Just do something spontaneously.

When you do random acts of kindness, you come in touch with your true nature. All the gifts you are carrying in your life are for others.

Read Part 1 —

Read Part 2—

Stay Happy!



The Art of Living

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