“PIVOT” actually means this…

6 min readJan 8, 2023


Photo by Alex Belogub


Perhaps you’re familiar with the word “pivot,” but you can’t quite explain what it means to you. Here is the meaning of the word “pivot” and how it can be applied to our lives in many meaningful ways. In my personal experience, to “pivot” is to prioritize inputs valued on timing. In other words, it is an acronym called P.I.V.O.T., which stands for:






How Can You Apply This Meaning To Your Own Situation?

When we consider the idea of a pivot, we frequently consider it in terms of motion — turning or changing course. But the meaning of the word changes completely when we apply it to both our personal and professional lives.

As mentioned, to "pivot" means to prioritize inputs valued on timing. In order to meet new difficulties and possibilities as they present themselves, this calls on us to be flexible and nimble. It entails being receptive to change, even when it could be unsettling or strange.

Pivoting involves more than just responding to external factors; it also entails proactively building the life and career you desire. It involves acting with intention and purpose and making decisions that are consistent with your values and objectives.

So how can we each embrace the concept of pivoting in our lives?

Here are a few tips:

  1. Be open to new opportunities: Even if it’s outside your comfort zone, don’t be hesitant to try something new. Accept change and remain open to discovering new avenues and opportunities.
  2. Take risks: Risk-taking and venturing outside of your comfort zone are frequent requirements for pivoting. If something interests you, don’t be scared to try it even if there is some risk involved.
  3. Stay flexible: Adjustability and the capacity to go and grow with the flow are necessary for pivoting. Avoid becoming overly dependent on any one strategy or result, and always be prepared to change course if necessary.
  4. Prioritize your values: Always keep in mind what is most essential to you and what will make you feel the most fulfilled when making decisions. This will support your goal-achieving efforts and keep you motivated.
  5. Seek guidance: If you’re feeling lost or unsure about how to pivot, consider seeking guidance from a mentor or coach who can offer advice and support in embracing new beginnings.

Photo by Jakob Owens

You Can Still Pivot Your Way to Success: Here are 12 potential challenges and some strategies for overcoming each

  1. Lack of clarity about what you want to do. If you don’t have a certain direction in mind, it may be challenging to change course. Try brainstorming, investigating various choices, getting advice from mentors or career counselors, and thinking about what values and interests are most significant to you in order to solve this difficulty.

2. Limited resources. Making a pivot may frequently require a significant amount of time and money, both of which may be in short supply. To overcome this obstacle, you might need to get resourceful and come up with ways to cut expenditures, such as getting experience through volunteering or an internship, networking to find possibilities, or using internet resources to pick up new skills.

3. Fear of failure: It’s natural to feel nervous about taking a risk and trying something new, but this fear can be particularly acute when it comes to a career pivot. To overcome this challenge, try to reframe your mindset and focus on the potential benefits of the pivot, as well as the steps you can take to increase your chances of success.

4. Limited experience: It’s normal to feel anxious when attempting something new and taking a chance, but this anxiety can be especially strong when making a career change. To get through this obstacle, try to shift your perspective and concentrate on the advantages of the pivot and the actions you can do to improve your chances of success.

5. Resistance from others: You may face resistance or skepticism from friends, family, or colleagues when you announce your plans to pivot. To overcome this challenge, try to communicate your reasons for making the pivot in a clear and compelling way, and seek support from those who are most likely to be supportive.

6. Inability to let go of the past: When you tell others about your plans to pivot, you can encounter opposition or doubt. To get beyond this obstacle, make an effort to persuasively and clearly articulate your justifications for the pivot, and enlist the help of people who are most likely to be on your side.

7. Lack of a support network: Making a pivot can be isolating, especially if you don’t have a strong network of supportive people in your new field. To overcome this challenge, try to build relationships with others who are also making a pivot, or who are already established in the field you’re interested in.

8. Limited access to opportunities: A professional change might feel lonely, especially if you don’t have a strong network of allies in your new industry. Build connections with people who are making pivots themselves or who are already successful in the field you’re interested in if you want to get past this obstacle.

9. Unforeseen obstacles: Even with careful planning, you may encounter unexpected challenges or setbacks during the pivot process. To overcome this challenge, try to stay flexible and open to adapting your plans as needed, and seek guidance and support from others who have successfully navigated similar challenges.

10. Difficulty navigating a new job market: Even with careful planning, the pivot process may provide unforeseen difficulties or setbacks. To get past this obstacle, try to remain adaptable and willing to change your plans as necessary. You should also look for advice and support from those who have previously conquered obstacles of a like nature.

11. Feeling overwhelmed: Making a pivot can be a challenging task, especially if you’re juggling several obligations at once. Make self-care a priority to help you control your stress levels and attempt to break the process down into smaller, more manageable phases to assist you get past this obstacle.

12. Funding. Saving up as much money as you can in advance to have a financial safety net to fall back on as you make the transition is one way to maybe get around the challenge of financing a pivot. This can necessitate cautious budgeting and cost-cutting measures.
A different choice is to look for ways to make money while you’re making the pivot. Finding part-time or temporary work that enables you to keep developing your skills and gaining experience is one way to do this. Other options include doing freelance work or consulting in your new sector.

To assist with paying for the education or training required for your pivot, you can also think about submitting an application for grants or scholarships. Some businesses or groups provide funding or other forms of assistance to people wishing to change careers. If you need additional funds to make the pivot, you might want to think about asking friends or relatives for financial support or getting a loan. Any financial decision you make should be carefully weighed in light of the advantages and disadvantages, keeping your long-term financial objectives in mind.

In conclusion,

The concept of pivoting is all about being open to change, taking risks, and staying flexible in order to create the life and career you want. It’s about being proactive and purposeful in your actions and making choices that align with your values and goals. So let’s embrace the power of the pivot and make the most of every opportunity that comes our way.

M.K. Scholar

(Writer and Researcher for Art of Vocabulary)


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