Let’s Talk About Hotline Miami, the games and it’s amazing fan-base

4 min readDec 18, 2018


I think everyone knows a tiny bit about the Cold War right? What if there was an secret organization trying to make it go hot? And what if we took control of a veteran from the Vietnam war and killed a bunch of russians for revenge?

This is Hotline Miami in a nut-shell.

You take control of Jacket( Name given by fans due to his iconic varsity jacket), an veteran of the Vietnam war and a man that seeks revenge for an unknown(Not really, it’s explained in Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number but that would spoil the main plot of Hotline Miami) reason.

Hotline Miami is an great series both in gameplay and story, but Hotline Miami is not that good compared to Wrong Number in terms of gameplay polish and variety, still, it’s a great game that you can finish in about 2 hours if you’re good enough(Which i’m not).

Now let’s talk about it’s younger brother: Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number.

Hotline Miami 2’s art-work, made by Niklas Akerblad.

Hotline Miami 2, unlike the previous game that only had 2 playable characters( Jacket is one of them and the other is a surprise), has 15 playable characters(There’s 3 exclusive to the level editor, shrinking the list to only 12 playable characters) including:

The Butcher(Martin Brown, although most of his scenes/levels are just an movie about Jacket’s killings of the first game, he haves some impact on the story of Wrong Number);

The Fans(Corey, Tony, Alex and Ash* and Mark);

The Cop(Manny Pardo);

The Cobra(Jake, his mask appeared in Hotline Miami but he never had any impact in the story before Wrong Number);

The Writer(Evan Wright), Fun Fact: He is the only character of the series that haves, depending on the player’s choice of gameplay style, only 1 kill on his record);

The Soldier(Beard, character that appears in the first game and in the cover art of Wrong Number), Fun Fact: He, out of all playable character in the series, is the first to die chronologically, plus his death is one of the most important in the series.

The Son(Son of the mafia boss of the first game, he is trying to take control of the territory the Russian Mafia lost to the Colombians), Fun Fact: He is the source of the (unfunny) meme, “Gotta Get a Grip!”.

I think this is enough about the games, at least enough to give you some background on the series.

The Incredible Fan-Base

Because what is a game without a fan-base?

The reason i made this article: Talk about this fan-base.

People make cosplays, create art, make fan-games(The only one i remember is Super HOTline Miami, mixing Super Hot’s gameplay with Hotline Miami’s.) and more that i don’t know about.

So i’ll only talk about what i know, because i don’t want to spout bull$&*%.

I’ve drawn an copy of Hotline Miami 2’s cover art and posted on r/hotlinemiami, and made some drawings of Don’t Starve’s characters once, so i think i’m allowed to talk about fan-art.

Definition of fanart from www.urbandictionary.com.

“Artwork created by fans of a work of fiction and derived from a series character or other aspect of that work. Can be Digital Art or Physical Art.”

Fan-art, most of the time, is a recreation of an character, locale or object from fiction made by a fan of said fiction. Fan-arts can either be: A) Porn (Oh god no); B) Drawn over official art( I did this, it’s good for learning how to draw, just don’t sell it) or C) Art made using characters, locales, objects or etc. from a work of fiction or something else( A drawing of the beatles for example).

And when it comes to fan-art, the Hotline Miami fan-base ROCKS.

Fanart made by Jacob Briggs. His store where you can buy this art and many others can be found here: https://gametee.co.uk/collections/jacob-briggs

Now let’s take a look at cosplays. Most of them use either hand-made clothing and masks or Official clothing, are of Jacket and includes the familiar Richard mask(Do you like other people?).

Here are some examples:

Posted on reddit by user u/FSZIAL, I’m not sure if it’s him or some friend of his. His account is inactive for an year now, so now possible way of knowing.

I think this covers pretty much everything. This article was made out of passion and respect to both the HM Series and it’s Fans.

Special Thanks to Jacob Briggs for allowing me to use his artwork on this article and to Jonathan Soderstrom, Dennis Wedin and everyone behind HM1 and HM2.

My name is Artyominos, this was my article. I hope you have a nice day, night and week.




Joy is my addiction, Hotline Miami is my safe haven, Spooks is my nemesis.