Augmented Reality & Virtual Reality

2 min readApr 29, 2023

New methods of seeing the world around us are developing as technology progresses. Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are two examples. Although these phrases are frequently used interchangeably, they actually mean quite different things.

AR vs. VR: What’s the Difference? — Treasure Data Blog

The term “augmented reality” describes a technology that projects digital data onto the real world. Using a smartphone, tablet, or special glasses can accomplish this. Users can view and engage with the real world while also adding virtual features to it thanks to augmented reality (AR). For instance, you might be able to point your phone at a restaurant and see reviews and ratings superimposed on top of it courtesy to an AR app.

The creation of a wholly synthetic environment is necessary for virtual reality, on the other hand. This is often accomplished by donning a headset that entirely submerges the user in a virtual environment. Virtual reality (VR) has a wide range of applications, from gaming and entertainment to instruction and training.

AR and VR both have the ability to completely change how we view the world. By giving us more context and information, AR can be utilised to improve our knowledge of the physical world. On the other hand, virtual reality (VR) can take us to completely different realms and let us experience things that are otherwise not feasible.

However, both of these innovations are still in their early years, and they have a long way to go before becoming normal. For instance, AR might be challenging to utilise in direct sunlight since it consumes a lot of computing power. A top-notch headgear is necessary for a VR experience that is genuinely immersive and can make some users uncomfortable.

Despite these difficulties, AR and VR have a lot of potential. We can anticipate that these technologies will spread more widely and advance in complexity as technology advances. The possibilities are boundless, from using AR to find your way around a new city to using VR to dive deep into the ocean.

